Our research group focuses on material synthesis and nanoscale understanding of solid-liquid interfaces for applications in catalysis and energy conversion. Key catalytic reactions, including CO2 conversion, are challenged by the degradation of the materials employed under operation conditions, performance-limiting inefficiencies at catalyst-electrode interfaces, and limited selectivity and efficiency of the catalysts for multi-electron and proton-coupled transformations.
Deficient nanoscale elucidation of structure-property relationships and dynamic material properties under reaction conditions hamper progress toward the synthesis of the next-generation of material systems.
We address these challenges by employing high spatio-temporal resolution scanning probe microscopy, including atomic force microscopy in liquid phase to decipher in-situ / operando the structural, electronic, and catalytic properties of selected materials under reaction conditions and external stimuli. Combined with a suite of advanced spectroscopic characterization tools, we elucidate nanoscale structure-property relationships and charge-transport phenomena at solid-liquid interfaces. These efforts are combined synergistically with the synthesis of advanced catalytic materials.
Y. Peng, C. Zhan, H. Jeon, W. Frandsen, B. Roldan Cuenya and C. Kley: Organic Thin Films Enable Retaining the Oxidation State of Copper Catalysts during CO2 Electroreduction. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces16 (5), 6562–6568 (2024).
M. Munz, J. Poon, W. Frandsen, B. Roldan Cuenya and C. Kley: Nanoscale Electron Transfer Variations at Electrocatalyst–Electrolyte Interfaces Resolved by in Situ Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society145 (9), 5242–5251 (2023).
G.H. Simon, C. Kley and B. Roldan Cuenya: Potential‐Dependent Morphology of Copper Catalysts During CO2 Electroreduction Revealed by In Situ Atomic Force Microscopy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition60 (5), 2561–2568 (2021).
M. Munz, B. Roldan Cuenya and C. Kley: In Situ Investigation of Catalytic Interfaces by Scanning Probe Microscopy under Electrochemical Conditions. In: Encyclopedia of Solid-Liquid Interfaces. 1st Ed. (Eds.): K. Wandelt and G. Bussetti. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 656–680 (2024).
Kley, C.: Electrochemical Scanning Probe Microscopy for Catalysis Research. Challenges on the Renewable Energy Storage Conference, Liblice, Czech Republic (2022)
Kley, C.: Building Fundamental Understanding of CO2 Electroreduction Catalysts by in Situ Microscopy and Spectroscopy. International Nanoscience Students Conference (INASCON), Munich, Germany (2022)
Kley, C.: Building Fundamental Understanding of Electrochemical CO2 Conversion From Local to Global. FHI-Workshop on Current Research Topics at the FHI, Potsdam, Germany (2022)
Kley, C.: In Situ Atomic Force Microscopy for Correlative Local Analysis of CO2 Conversion Electrocatalysts. nanoGe Spring Meeting (NSM22), Online Event (2022)
Kley, C.: Correlative Electrochemical Microscopy: Building an Understanding of Electrocatalysts From Local to Global. Seminar, Solar Fuels Institute, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Online Event (2022)
Kley, C.: Deciphering Electrocatalysts Under Reaction Conditions by in Situ Electrochemical Scanning Probe Microscopy. International Joint Symposium, Challenge to Develop Innovative Photocatalyst, Online Event (2021)
Kley, C.: Deciphering Electrocatalysts Under Reaction Conditions by In Situ Electrochemical Scanning Probe Microscopy. Seminar, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Online Event (2020)
Kley, C.: Revealing Catalytic Materials at the Nanoscale: From UHV STM to In Situ Electrochemical AFM. The 81st Okazaki Conference, Forefront of Measurement Technologies for Surface Chemistry and Physics in Real-Space, k-Space, and Real-Time, Okazaki, Japan (2019)
Kley, C.: Revealing Catalytic Materials at the Nanoscale: From UHV STM to in Situ Electrochemical AFM. 3rd Sino-German Young Scientist Symposium on Structures & Dynamics at Surfaces, Dalian, China (2019)