The Interface Science (ISC) department uses state-of-the-art equipment for the in situ and operando investigation of thermal and electrocatalytic processes. We are supported by an excellent machine shop at the FHI. We also enjoy a close relationship with BESSY-II synchrotron facility, with preferred acces to several microscopy and spectroscopy beamlines.
A more detailed list of our surface science systems, especially tuned for catalysis applications is shown here.
Systems are available for the screening of catalytic performance. These systems allow real-time continuous analysis of multiple gas components, with mass flow reactors, mass spectrometers, gas chromatographs, and multi-technique characterization tools, for in-depth studies of structure-reaction correlations.
The department has numerous home-built electrochemical set-ups (H- and flow-cell types) to investigate electrochemical reactions. These systems are often coupled to other analytical techniques, such as gas chromatography, for
in situ or
operando measurements.
Our laboratories are equipped with instruments capable of observing chemical reactions under ultra high vacuum (UHV), atmospheric pressure, and electrochemical conditions, down to the atomic scale. Instruments listed here include those located at the FHI and in BESSY-II.
We operate a beamline at BESSY-II, in Berlin-Adlershof, utilising synchrotron radiation for spectro-microscopy studies, including a LEEM/XPEEM system. Other synchrotrons world-wide are also used by our department for operando XAS, XPS, and XRD investigations.