© C. Teßmar 2022

Electronics Lab (ELAB)

Innovative experiments often require instruments that are not commercially available. The ELAB team works together with scientists to turn an idea into a quality product.

The experienced team of engineers, technicians and engineers competently deal with all aspects of development and manufacturing. Other services offered by ELAB include the repair of commercially available equipment, the construction of custom adapter cables, the sale of electronic components from stock, and the distribution of rental equipment.

The front desk can be reached by phone at extension 3313 or by email at elab@fhi-berlin.mpg.de

Our opening hours are:

Monday - Thursday:  8:10 AM – 6:30 PM

Friday:                         8:10 AM – 5:00 PM

You will find us in Building L (address: Van t'Hoff-Straße 17).

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