Media & Press

The Fritz Haber Institute is often featured and/or interviewed in the German and international press. A selection of articles is listed here. For news and press releases about the Institute's research, awards, scholarships and appointments please visit the Events & News section.

December 2024

24.12 Radio Exterior de España

Radio interview with Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya on the program “A golpe de bit” Spanish

November 2024

05.10 La Nueva España

Article about Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya receiving the Margarita Salas Prize Spanish

September 2024


Article about „green fuel“ and the research of the Interface Science Department German

July 2024

05.07 National News Bureau of Thailand

Video of the visit from Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn of Thailand at the Fritz Haber Institute (1:31 - 4:14) Thai

May 2024

13.05. Spanish Embassy in Berlin

Interview with Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya Spanish

01.05. NewScientist

Article about PC Department Paper: „We now know exactly how thick the boundary between water and air is“ Englisch

April 2024

19.04. La Nueva España

Article about Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya: „El hidrógeno verde será el nuevo equivalente al petróleo“ Spanish

December 2023

Prensa Ibérica

Guest article from Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya: „Tranformación energética“ Spanish

November 2023

03.11. H2Berlin - YouTube

Film about the projects for the kick-off of a sustainable hydrogen economy in Berlin / CatLab 11:50 - 13:29 German

October 2023

20.10. Der Tagesspiegel

Article about Dr. Sandra Eibenberger-Arias and Dr. Giacomo Valtolina, “Sie mischen die Naturgesetze auf: Die 100 wichtigsten Köpfe der Berliner Wissenschaft”. German

September 2023


Interview with Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya, Page 46 - 48 Spanish

July 2023

26.07. La Nueva España

Article about Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya, "Asturiana del mes": "España tiene grandes científicos, pero los esconden" Spanish

May 2023

20.05. La Nueva España

Article about Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya, "España aún tardará diez años en exportar energía verde": Spanisch

14.05. La Nueva España

Article about Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya, "Asturiana del mes" por sus investigaciones sobre el hidrógeno verde": Spanisch

March 2023

19.03. RBB Info Radio

Interview with Robert Schlögl "Große Hoffnung: Wasserstoff als Zukunftstechnologie ": German

February 2023

26.02. La Nueva España

Interview with Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya, "El Musel permitirá a Asturias enviar hidrógeno verde hacia el norte de Europa": Spanish

January 2023

Robert Schlögl received two honorary doctorates at the University of Messina and the Technical University of Darmstadt

  • Dottorato di Ricerca Honoris Causa in ACCESS al prof. Robert Schlögl: Italian
  • Unime, Dottorato Honoris Causa al prof. Robert Schlögl: Italian
  • Conferito il Dottorato di Ricerca Honoris Causa in ACCESS al prof. Robert Schlögl : Italian
  • Katalysator der Energiewende:German

December 2022


Umweltfreundliche Herstellung von Propylenoxid möglich: German

14.12. Tagesspiegel

Innovation aus Berliner Chemieforschung: Umweltfreundlicher chemischer Grundstoff: German

12.12. Telecinco

TV interview with Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya: El hidrógeno verde, la mejor opción para sustituir al gas o petróleo: "España puede transportarlo en barco y en forma líquida": Spanish

November 2022

21.11. SER

Radio interview with Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya about Green Hydrogen: Spanish


21.10. COPE

Radio interview with Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya about Green Hydrogen: Spanish


King Felipe the VI of Spain visited the Fritz Haber Institute

  • The Royal Household of His Majesty the Spanish King: Description of his visit of Berlin, of the FHI and Prof. Roldan Cuenya:  Spanish
  • The Royal Household of His Majesty the Spanish King: Dinner Speech of King Felipe VI at the German Federal President: Spanish
  • Dinner Speech of King Felipe VI at banquet of German Federal President: German, PDF
  • Deutsches Bundespräsidialamt: Speech by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in the Great Hall of Schloss Bellevue: English
  • Short movie on the visit of King Felipe VI at FHI: go to youtube
  • Newspaper El Mundo: Spanish
  • Newspaper ABC: Spanish
  • Newspaper La Razon: Spanish

September 2022


Verleihung der Röntgenplakette 2022, go to YouTube

1st Remscheider General-Anzeiger

Röntgenplakette geht an Professor Beatriz Roldan Cuenya: German


17.08. MDR Wissen

“Wird mit Wasserstoff alles gut, Herr Schlögl?”: German

1.08. Max Planck Society, Website

“We need to build hydrogen pipelines now". A conversation with Max Planck Director Robert Schlögl about the gas crisis and the energy transitionGerman

JULY 2022

31.07. rbb Abendschau

Hydrogen accelerator - The way away from natural gas

Hydrogen would be a very good substitute for natural gas if it could be produced with the help of solar energy without too much energy loss. But the technology is not fully developed. The CatLab research platform in Adlershof is working on this solution.: German


Emmett Award Lecture, Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya: go to YouTube

MAY 2022


Bernd Rech and Robert Schlögl with the assistance of Steffi Hlawenka (HZB), Katarzyna Skorupska (FHI) and Tobias Sontheimer (HZB): CatLab: Hydrogen and Beyond - Thin-film Catalysts for Sustainable Chemistry with Renewable Electricity: German

APRIL 2022

24.04. Die Welt am Sonntag

Wissen und Geschichte / Energie vom anderen Ende der Welt. Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya: German

MARCH 2022

17.03. Radiotelevisión del Principado de Asturias (TPA)

Interview about the research at Fritz Haber Institute (from minute 49:50), Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya: GO TO INTERVIEW

10.03. mdr radio Kultur

Interview about “energy independence”, Prof Robert Schlögl: German

10.03. Phoenix TV

Interview about “energy independence”, Prof Robert Schlögl: German


19.02. rbb Radio Eins

Interview about “Catalysis Research: Is green Hydrogen the energy carrier of the future?”, Prof. Dr. Robert Schlögl: GO TO INTERVIEW

Cicero 02/2022

"Das gigantischste Geschäft des 20. Jahrhunderts", Interview with Prof. Dr. Robert Schlögl: GO TO ARTICLE


29.11. rbb Inforadio

Corona-Pandemie / Leopoldina setzt auf Zeitgewinn durch eingeschränkte Kontakte, Interview with Prof. Dr. Robert Schlögl: German

10.11. Deutschlandfunk

"Corona-Pandemie / Leopoldina-Vize: Dialog zwischen Politik und Wissenschaft fehlt", Interview with Prof. Dr. Robert Schlögl: German


10.10. Tagesspiegel

"Glück und Wissenschaft", 85th Anniversary of Prof Dr Gerhard Ertl:German


28.09. Interview, Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk

"Die Stimme der Wissenschaft ist zu leise", Prof Dr Robert Schlögl: German

27.09. Lecture at the Annual Conference of the "Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft" (DPG)

"Die Rolle des Wasserstoffs im Energiesystem", Prof Dr Robert SchlöglGerman

27.09. Interview and Discussion, "Deutsche Welle"

"Ist das E-Auto doch nicht so klimafreundlich?", Prof. Dr. Robert Schlögl:German


25.02. Geduld, Geld, Glück

ALBERT (Nr. 6, Katalyse, hg. v. Einstein Stiftung Berlin)

Interview with Gerhard Ertl about catalysis, receiving the Nobel Prize and life as a scientist: German


ALBERT (Nr. 6, Katalyse, hg. v. Einstein Stiftung Berlin)

Interview with Maria Andrea Mroginski and Robert Schlögl on new catalysts and a more sustainable energy supply: German

Die Unvollendete

ALBERT (Nr. 6, Katalyse, hg. v. Einstein Stiftung Berlin)

Biographical view on the life and work of Clara Immerwahr and her role as a woman in a male-dominated scientific discipline: German


24.10. DIE WELT

Die Physikerin mit der Orlando-Maschine, Interview with Prof. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya: German

16.10. Rheinische Post

Deutsche Forscher stellen neuen Weltrekord in Kurzzeit-Messung auf, Mention of the Fritz Haber Institute, which contributed to the measurement of the shortest ever time span, thus setting a new world record: German


24.09. Wallstreet Online

Airbus: Wasserstoff-Flugzeuge bis 2035 marktfähig — Expertenstimmen, Prof. Robert Schlögl, Director of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry comments on hydrogen as stock market trend: German

MAY 2020

7.05. Handelsblatt

Wasserstoff ist das Öl der Zukunft

Guest article by Prof. Robert Schlögl, Director of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry at FHI, and Holger Lösch, Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie - BDI (Federation of German Industries): German

APRIL 2020

14.04. Süddeutsche Zeitung

Der Schock hat System

Guest article by Prof. Robert Schlögl, as well as Prof. Jürgen Renn and Christoph Rosol from the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science: German

MARCH 2020

7.03. DIE WELT

„Wasserstoff ist das Öl von morgen“

Interview with Prof. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya and Prof. Robert Schlögl: German


31.10. Der Tagesspiegel

"Untragbar, den Namen zu ändern"

100th Anniversary of the Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin: Fritz Stern on the Founding Director's Role in World War I: German


10.10. DIE ZEIT

Deutscher erhält Chemie-Nobelpreis. Alleinige Ehrung für den Festkörperchemiker Gerhard Ertl vom Fritz-Haber-Institut in Berlin

Article about former FHI Director Prof. Gerhard Ertl winning the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2007: German

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