The 2022 Scientific Report
The Advisory Board is the central advisory body that provides the Fritz Haber Institute with recommendations and advice. Regular evaluation of its institutes is in the interest of the Max Planck Society and contributes to the functioning of its self-control system; it serves to account to the public for the sensible and effective use of the resources at its disposal.
The international, high-calibre composition of its members ensures that a high level of external expertise can be utilised. The Advisory Board includes internationally recognised scientists from Germany and abroad, who are generally not from the Max Planck Society itself.
The composition of the Advisory Board is intended to cover the Institute's research spectrum in a meaningful way and also to bring together sufficient expertise with regard to the German science system.In addition, this creates a worldwide network of supporters that benefits the work of the Fritz Haber Institute, but also the Max Planck Society as a whole.
The advisory board visits take place every three years and are an important focal point in the Institute's life. In addition to the review of the advisory board's report, the personal contact and scientific exchange of the advisory board members with the scientists at the Institute is the main focus.