Representative of the Scientific Coworkers

Dr. Alexander Paarmann
Alexander Paarmann, elected in May 2023 for a three-year term
The function of the representative of the scientific coworkers was introduced as an element of democratization: The representative participates in meetings of the Scientific Council of the MPG provides therewith an option to make the voice of the scientific coworkers heard at institute and society level. Whether in daily life at the institute or in special cases, the representative is installed to help coworkers to communicate their concerns and ideas to the Board of Directors or the Chemistry-Physics-Technology Section (CPTS) of the MPG's Scientific Council. The representative may not only express concerns and present ideas on behalf of the scientists, but also vote in the CPT Section on key issues, including the appointments of new directors.
“As part of the governance of the institutes, [the Representative] is, so to speak, perched between the directors and the scientific coworkers. In order to be able to fulfill his/her function, [the Representative] has of course to be included in the flow of confidential information ...” [from a letter by the MPG Vice-Presidents to the Managing Directors of the Institutes, 23 November 2011]
Typical tasks of the Representative include:
- attending meetings of the CPT Section of the Scientific Council (three times per year) and of the Scientific Council (once per year)
- attending meetings of the various committees appointed by the Sections and the Scientific Council, e.g., on new directorial appointments or on specific institutes
- conveying the concerns of the scientists at his/her institute to the bodies of the MPG and vice versa
- taking part in the presentations of the matters of his/her institute to the MPG committees, e.g., the Outlook Committee (Perspektivenkommission)
- participation in the regular evaluations of the institute by the Advisory Board (Fachbeirat)
- ensuring that requests by his/her institute towards the MPG have received a consideration at the institute which is consistent with the Statutes of the MPG
- taking part in the Meeting of the elected Representatives of the Scientific Coworkers (three times per year)