AVS Fellow Award for Beatriz Roldán Cuenya
The Director of the Interface Science Department of the Fritz Haber Institute, Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya, has been named a Fellow of the American Vacuum Society (AVS).

Each year, the American Vacuum Society (AVS) recognizes members who have made sustained and outstanding scientific or technical contributions in areas of interest to the AVS.
Prof. Roldán Cuenya receives the AVS Fellow Award for her “exceptional contributions to the mechanistic understanding of thermal and electrocatalytic reactions based on well-defined nanostructured materials combined with advanced in situ and operando microscopic and spectroscopic characterization”.
The Award will be presented at the AVS Awards Ceremony during the AVS 67th International Symposium & Exhibition, in Charlotte, North Carolina (USA) on October 27, 2021.
The AVS is focused on Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing. It is a non-profit organization founded in 1953 and has about 4.500 members worldwide. Its vision endeavors to be the premier organization specializing in understanding and applying the science and technology of materials, interfaces and processing.
Prof. Roldán Cuenya has been the Director of the Interface Science Department of the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society in Berlin (Germany) since 2017. Her research program explores physical and chemical properties of nanostructures, with emphasis on advancements in nanocatalysis based on operando microscopic and spectroscopic characterization with a focus on X-ray spectroscopy.
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