The Cold Molecule Group

N. Walter, M. Doppelbauer, S. Schaller, X. Liu, R. Thomas, S. Wright, B.G.
Sartakov, and G. Meijer
Triplet Rydberg states of aluminum monofluoride
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 128, 2752-2762 (2024)
D. Röser, J. E. Padilla-Castillo, B. Ohayon, R. Thomas, S. Truppe, G. Meijer, S. Stellmer, and S. C. Wright
Hyperfine structure and isotope shifts of the (4s2 ) 1S0 → (4s4p) 1P1 transition in atomic zinc
Physical Review A 109, 012806 (2024)
S. Hofsäss, J. Eduardo Padilla-Castillo, S. C. Wright, S. Kray, R. Thomas, B. G. Sartakov, B. Ohayon, G. Meijer and S. Truppe
High-resolution isotope-shift spectroscopy of Cd I
Physical Review Research 5, 013043 (2023)
B. Ohayon, S. Hofsäss, J. E. Padilla-Castillo, S. C. Wright, G Meijer, S Truppe, K Gibble, and B K Sahoo
Isotope shifts in cadmium as a sensitive probe for physics beyond the standard model
New Journal of Physics 24, 123040 (2022)
S. C. Wright, M. Doppelbauer, S. Hofsäss, H. C. Schewe, B. G. Sartakov, G. Meijer and S. Truppe
Cryogenic Buffer Gas beams of AlF, CaF, MgF, YbF, Al, Ca, Yb and NO - a comparison
Molecular Physics, e2146541 (2022), DOI 10.1080/00268976.2022.2146541
N. Walter, M. Doppelbauer, S. Marx, J. Seifert, X. Liu, J. Pérez-Ríos, B.G. Sartakov, S. Truppe and G. Meijer
Spectroscopic characterization of the a3Π state of aluminum monofluoride
Journal of Chemical Physics 156, 124306 (2022)
N. Walter, J. Seifert, S. Truppe, H. C. Schewe, B. G. Sartakov and G. Meijer
Spectroscopic characterization of singlet–triplet doorway states of aluminum monofluoride
Journal of Chemical Physics 156, 184301 (2022)
M. Doppelbauer, S.C. Wright,  S. Hofsäss, B. G. Sartakov, G. Meijer and S. Truppe
Hyperfine-resolved optical spectroscopy of the A2Π ← X2Σ+ transition in MgF
Journal of Chemical Physics 156, 134301 (2022)
S. Hofsäss, M. Doppelbauer, S. Wright, S. Kray, B. G. Sartakov, J. Pérez-Ríos, G. Meijer and S. Truppe
Optical cycling of AlF molecules
New Journal of Physics 23 (7), 075001 (2021)
M. Doppelbauer, N. Walter, S. Hofsäss, S. Marx, H.C. Schewe, S. Kray, J. Pérez-Ríos, B.G. Sartakov, S. Truppe and G. Meijer
Characterisation of the b3Σ+, v=0 state and its interaction with the A1Π state in aluminium monofluoride
Molecular Physics 119.1-2 (2021): e1810351
S. Truppe, S. Marx, S. Kray, M. Doppelbauer, S. Hofsäss, H. C. Schewe, N. Walter, J. Pérez-Ríos, B. G. Sartakov, and G. Meijer
Spectroscopic characterization of aluminum monofluoride with relevance to laser cooling and trapping
Physical Review A 100, 052513 (2019)
Marx, S.; Adu Smith, D.; Insero, G.; Meek, S. A.; Sartakov, B. G.; Meijer, G.; Santambrogio, G.: Measuring and manipulating the temperature of cold molecules trapped on a chip. Physical Review A 92 (6), 063408 (2015)
Marx, S.; Adu Smith, D.; Abel, M.; Zehentbauer, T.; Meijer, G.; Santambrogio, G.: Imaging Cold Molecules on a Chip. Physical Review Letters 111 (24), 243007 (2013)
Abel, M.; Marx, S.; Meijer, G.; Santambrogio, G.: Vibrationally exciting molecules trapped on a microchip. Molecular Physics 110 (15-16), pp. 1829 - 1837 (2012)
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