Research groups

Controlled Molecules
Dr. Sandra Eibenberger-Arias
Our research is targeted at understanding and coherently controlling cold, gas-phase molecules. We have a specific interest in the spectroscopic investigation and manipulation of chiral molecules. We developed a novel experimental setup incorporating ultraviolet an microwave radiation for full quantum state control of chiral molecules.
Spectroscopy and chemistry of metal clusters complexes
Dr. André Fielicke
We apply spectroscopic tools for the investigation of strongly bound clusters in the gas phase to elucidate their geometric (and electronic) structures. Our main target is to obtain a fundamental understanding for the often unusual chemical properties of nano-scale materials.
Cold and ultracold molecules
Dr. Sid Wright
We use molecular beams and electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields to cool a gas of molecules to the quantum regime. This allows us to obtain full control over their internal and external degrees of freedom. At very low temperatures (~ 1 µK) the molecules reveal their quantum nature, start to behave cooperatively and form ordered structures through long-range dipole-dipole interactions. more
Models in Heterogeneus Catalysis
Prof. Hans-Joachim Freund, FHI-Director Emeritus
The research centers around creating and studying model systems for heterogeneous catalysts and understanding its geometric and electronic structure, as well as its chemical reactivity at the atomic scale. Starting from single crystal metal surfaces, oxide supports are modelled by creating well-ordered thin oxide films of a large variety of materials on such metal single crystals, thus creating model supports for metal nanoparticles and its interaction with gases and liquids to understand the chemistry of the systems. Through such an approach we increase, in a controlled way, the complexity of the systems, trying to approach a situation, where aspects of real heterogeneous catalysts are being captured and may be analyzed. Parallel to the development of those materials model systems, novel techniques and instruments have been developed to investigate the structural properties of the systems, and recently also its structural dynamics. more
Interactions of molecules with fields
Prof. Bretislav Friedrich
Our research revolves around interactions of molecules with and in electric, magnetic, and optical fields and their combinations.  more
Infrared excitation of gas-phase molecules and clusters
Prof. Gert von Helden
We use ion mobility-mass spectrometry (IM-MS) to study the overall shape of proteins and carbohydrates and to separate complex isomeric mixtures. Complementary to that, we measure IR and UV/VIS spectra in ultra-cold helium droplets to obtain more detailed insights information on structure and intramolecular interactions of peptides and proteins.
Radiative Cooling Dynamics of Molecules
Dr. Jascha Lau
We study the spontaneous emission from small molecular ions using time-resolved and dispersed fluorescence spectroscopy. We are particularly interested in the development of new techniques for studying radiative cooling of molecules on long time scales, which will further our understanding of chemical reactions and molecular emission signatures in the interstellar medium. more
Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Dr. Jesús Pérez Ríos
In our group, we are interested on the fundamentals of the interaction that holds the atoms within the molecules. In particular, we study theoretical cold and ultracold chemistry, physics beyond the standard model through deviations in the spectra of atoms and molecules and how machine learning techniques can help in complex chemical phenomena. more
Revealing new and novel materials, mechanisms, and insight
Prof. Dr. Matthias Scheffler, FHI-Director emeritus
The NOMAD lab works in the areas of condensed matter theory, materials science, and artificial intelligence. The focus is on density functional theory and many-electron quantum mechanics, as well as the development of multiscale approaches in the context of the "Get Real!" understanding that incorporates environmental factors into ab initio calculations. A major goal is that materials science data must become "Findable and Artificial Intelligence Ready". more
Atom and molecule optics
Dr. Wieland Schöllkopf
We study experimental atom optics, including reflection, diffraction, and focusing of atoms and small molecules
Dynamics of photoionization-induced processes in laser-prepared gas- and aqueous-phase samples
Dr. Florian Trinter
We combine synchrotron radiation and laser pulses with state-of-the-art reaction microscope and liquid-microjet photoemission spectroscopy setups to understand dynamical processes in complex gas-phase molecules and aqueous solutions. more
Molecular quantum matter
Dr. Giacomo Valtolina
We investigate quantum gases of molecules through coherent association of ultracold atoms. With this approach, we create a molecular quantum gas at ultra low entropy. This is an ideal playground for studying molecular interaction dynamics in the quantum regime and new many-body phenomena. more
Liquid microjets
Dr. Bernd Winter
Research in the Winter group focuses on the electronic structure interactions in liquid water and aqueous solutions of common electrolytes, many organic and inorganic solute molecules, including amino acids, DNA, and from (transition) metal nanoparticles dispersed in water. Experimentally, we apply soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy from liquid microjets. more

Associated Research Groups

Structure, reactivity and dynamics of clusters and nanoparticles
Prof. Knut Asmis, Wilhelm-Ostwald-Institute for-Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Universität Leipzig, Germany
The goal of our research activities is to bridge the knowledge gap between isolated, nanoscale particles in the gas phase and condensed matter. To this end, we develop methods to characterize the structure, reactivity and dynamics of clusters, nanoparticles and fluid interfaces using state-of-the-art mass spectrometric and laser spectroscopic techniques.
Ion mobility and gas-phase infrared spectroscopy of biological macromolecules 
Prof. Kevin Pagel, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Our research focuses on the structural elucidation of biomolecules, in particular complex carbohydrates and proteins, to study intra- and intermolecular (non-)covalent interactions in the gas phase. In this interdisciplinary research field, a combination of advanced analytical techniques, ion mobility-mass spectrometry, cryogenic gas-phase infrared spectroscopy, and computational approaches is used to understand the complex interplay between molecular properties at the microscopic level and their effects on the macroscopic scale. At this frontier, we aim to illuminate the structure-function relationship of these biomolecules and potentially uncover new pathways for developing therapeutic interventions and treatments. more
Infrared Photodissociation Spectroscopy in Homogeneous Catalysis
Jana Roithova, Professor of Spectroscopy and Catalysis, Radboud University, Faculty of Sciences, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Our research employs mass spectrometry and photodissociation spectroscopy to elucidate the nature of reactive intermediates in catalytic reactions. We develop innovative methods to trap and examine highly reactive species in organic and metal-organic reactions. At the Fritz Haber Institute, we specialize in characterizing intermediates involved in small molecule activation, including the electrochemical reduction of N2 and CO2 or electrochemical oxidation of ammonia.  more
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