Invited Oral Presentations
Prof. Dr. Robert Schlögl
Hydrogen – How much? When? 3rd CENIDE Conference 2023, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany (2024)
Energiewende aus naturwissenschaftlicher Sicht. Rotary Club Köln-Ville, Bergheim, Germany (2024)
Beitrag von E-Fuels zur Lösung der Energiekrise. Österreichischer Verein für Kraftfahrzeugtechnik, Vienna, Austria (2024)
The Optimal Size of Catalytic Nanoparticle. Cluster Meeting 2023, Prague, Czech Republic (2023)
Die Rolle der Fusionsforschung im nachhaltigen Energiesystem. Greifswald Research Award, Greifswald, Germany (2023)
Der Einfluss der Energiewende auf die Stoffwirtschaft. Kolloquium, Die Energiewende 2.0: Im Fokus die Stoffwirtschaft, Leibniz Sozietät, Potsdam, Gemany (2023)
Chemistry of the Energy Transition. Bunsen-Tagung 2023, Berlin, Germany (2023)
Carbon Capture and Use: Potential for Climate Change Mitigation and Challenge for Catalysis Chemistry. Swiss Chemical Society Spring Meeting 2023, Zurich, Switzerland (2023)
Dynamics of Inorganic Materials: Diagnostics and Synthetic Consequences. IMPRS Spring Block Course 2023, IMPRS, Elementary Processes in Physical Chemistry, Fundamentals of Chemistry, Berlin, Germany (2023)
Keine Energiewende ohne Wasserstoff. Forum Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft & Politik der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar, FWP, Ludwigshafen, Germany (2023)
Catalysis as Science and Technology for the Hydrogen Age. 15th International Symposium Hydrogen & Energy, Emmetten, Switzerland (2023)
Geoanthropology. GDCh-Kolloquium, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany (2023)
Design and Dimensions of Sustainable Energy Systems. 8. Ruhr-Symposium, Functional Materials for Hydrogen, Duisburg, Germany (2022)
Hydrogen a Key Element to a Sustainable Energy System. 772. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Metrology and Process Safety for Hydrogen
Technologies & Applications, Bad Honnef, Germany (2022)
State of the Arts Energy Related Technologies. 19th Annual Meeting of the Science and Technology in Society forum, STS, Kyoto, Japan (2022)
Dynamics of Interfacial Catalysts. SURFCAT Summer School 2022, Gilleleje, Denmark (2022)
Hydrogen Technology - Energy Storage and Green Fuel. RÅC International Summer School, Varberg, Sweden (2022)
Hydrogen: A New Route for Industry. ACHEMA 2022, Frankfurt, Germany (2022)
No Energy Transition Without Chemistry. 26th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2022, Prague, Czech Republic (2022)
Future of Energy Storage in Chemicals. 758. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, From Wind and Solar Energy to Chemical Energy Storage: Understanding and Engineering Catalysis under Dynamic Conditions, Online Event (2022)
Hydrogen. Its Role in the Energy Transition. Lecture, German American Institute (DAI Heidelberg), Heidelberg, Germany (2021)
Working Structures of Electrocatalysts for OER. Pacifichem 2021: A Creative Vision for the Future, Online Event (2021)
Ammonia Systhesis: A Never Ending Story. Casale-Mini Symposium #2: Catalysis for the Industrial Renaissance and New Sustainable Processes, Online Event (2021)
Hydrogen. Its Role in the Energy Transition. Tagung des wissenschaftlichen Beirates Ökoworld, Online Event (2021)
Energy Transition: Concepts for Measures From Science View Point. Vorstandssitzung, Westenergie , Online Event (2021)
Die Rolle des Wasserstoffs im Energiesystem. 84. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Tagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM), Online Event (2021)
Catalysis With Oxygen. Festkolloquium anlässlich der Verabschiedung von Herrn Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bensch, Kiel University, Kiel, Germany (2021)
Sustainable Hydrogen Technologies for a Successful Energy Transition. RACIRI-2021 Summer Lecture, Online Event (2021)
On the Relation Between Dynamics, Nanostructure and Catalytic Activity of Materials. Cluster Meeting 2021, Prague, Czech Republic (2021)
Hydrogen: Options for Synthesis. Wasserstoff aus Russland - elektrische und nichtelektrische Optionen, Deutsch-Russisches Forum, Online Event (2021)
Dem Ausstieg muss ein Einstieg vorausgehen: Für eine neue Energiewende. Rotary Club Essen, Online Event (2021)
Energie. System. Nachhaltigkeit. Symposium, Post Corona - Auslaufmodell oder Zukunftshoffnung? - Klimapolitik in der Metropole Ruhr, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Online Event (2021)
25 Jahre Redoxkatalyse - Quo vadis? Symposium zum 60. Geburtstag von Martin Muhler, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Online Event (2021)
Energy Transition: Concepts for Measures From Science View Point. Freiburger Energy Talks, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Freiburg, Germany (2021)
Operando Photo Emission From Electrified Interfaces. Workshop on Physics and Chemistry of Solid/Liquid Interfaces for Energy Conversion and Storage, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Online Event (2021)
Wasserstoff - Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Energiewende. Ringvorlesung, Wasserstoff - Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Energiewende, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Online Event (2021)
Wasserstoff als zentrales Element nachhaltiger Energiesysteme. Lenkungskreis Umwelt und Energie, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, QUEST Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology, Brunswick, Germany (2021)
Pack die Sonne in den Tank. Akademievorträge an brandenburgischen Schulen, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Online Event (2021)
Carbon2Chem 2016 to 2020. 3rd Conference on Sustainable Chemical Conversion in Industry, Online Event (2020)
Energiewende - vom Ende gedacht. Max-von-Laue-Kolloquium, Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany (2020)
Bedeutung des Wasserstoffs für die Energiewende. Hydrogen Strategy Meeting, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany (2020)
Wasserstoff – ein zentrales Element nachhaltiger Energiesysteme. Wissenschaftlicher Abendvortrag, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany (2020)
Liquid Fuels as Chemical Batteries. 7. Internationaler Motorenkongress 2020, Baden-Baden, Germany (2020)
Opportunities for Conversion of CO2 to Liquid Fuels: A Key Role for Interfacial Catalysis. Workshop Flexible liquid fuels from CO2 by advanced catalysis and engineering, Liverpool, UK (2020)
Dynamic Heterogeneous Catalysts: A Unifying View On Catalysis Science. LAC Lectures, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland (2020)
Wasserstoff als Energieträger. Lecture, CDU/CSU-Fraktion im Deutschen Bundestag, Berlin, Germany (2019)
Fuels for the Future: Electrons or Molecules. 23rd Seminar Series, Department of Internal Combustion Engines and Propulsion Technology, University of Győr, Győr, Hungary (2019)
Methanol as Synfuel. 6th Methanol Technology and Policy Commercial Congress, Frankfurt, Germany (2019)
Was tanken wir morgen? Lecture, Fuhrgewerbe-Innung Berlin-Brandenburg, Berlin, Germany (2019)
Keine Energiewende ohne Katalyse. Campus Talks, Roter Salon, Volksbühne, Berlin, Germany (2019)
Dynamisches Verhalten heterogener Katalysatoren. Chemisches Kolloquium, Department Chemie gemeinsam mit dem GDCh-Ortsverband Paderborn, Paderborn University, Paderborn, Germany (2019)
Keine Energiewende ohne Import von erneuerbarer Energie. Stakeholder Conference for National Hydrogen Strategy, Berlin, Germany (2019)
Thin Films as Catalysts in Energy Applications. Symposium IRIS 2019, Berlin, Germany (2019)
Carbon as a Future Energy Carrier. International Conference, Circular Economy – A Fresh View on
Petrochemistry, Dresden, Germany (2019)
Chemical Energy Conversion – Potential for the Future. Bad Honnef Physics School, Energy Science - an Interdisciplinary Challenge, Bad Honnef, Germany (2019)
Dynamic Heterogeneous Catalysts: A Unifying View on Catalysis Science. Workshop, Future Perspectives in Catalysis, Bremerhaven, Germany (2019)
Circular Economy of Carbon. Chemistry meets Industry and Society, CIS 2019, Salerno, Italy (2019)
Dynamics of Catalysts for Energy Applications. RACIRI Summer School 2019, Structure, Real-time Dynamics and Processes in Complex Systems, Svetlogorsk, Russia (2019)
No Energy Transition Without Heterogeneous Catalysis or Material Science of Heterogeneous Catalyst. 5th Russian-German Seminar on Catalysis: Bridging the Gap Between Model and Real Catalysis, Synchrotron Radiation in Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia (2019)
CO2 as Feedstock for Synthetic Fuels – Status and Perspectives. 17th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization - ICCDU 2019, Aachen, Germany (2019)
Was tanken wir morgen? Infotag Synthetische Kraftstoffe - Optionen für eine nachhaltige Mobilität, DECHEMA, Frankfurt/Main, Germany (2019)
Kraftstoffe aus CO2: Warum und wie? 6. Internationaler Motorenkongress 2019, Baden-Baden, Germany (2019)
In Operando XPS and Its Use in Catalysis and Electrocatalysis. ELCoREL Workshop, Surface Electrochemistry and Spectroscopy, Prague, Czech Republic (2019)
A Systems View. Synthetic Fuel Workshop, Royal Society, London, UK (2019)
Katalyseforschung-Schlüssel für innovative Energietechnologien. Vortragsreihe Zukunft - Energie - Zukunft, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany (2018)
Dynamics of Heterogeneous Catalysis. Topical Joint Workshop IMPRS-SURMAT & IMPRS-RECHARGE, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany (2018)
Digitalization in Catalysis: Opportunities, Challenges, Next Steps. GeCatS Infoday, Digitalization in catalysis: taking the next step, DECHEMA, Frankfurt/Main, Germany (2018)
Energiewende 2.0 - geht nicht ohne Chemie. Festkolloquium, Jubiläen der Chemie in Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany (2018)
Chemistry – Selected Aspects in the Energy Context. FHI-JST Joint Symposium, Current Topics and Challenges for Innovative Catalysts, Berlin, Germany (2018)
The Future Role of Liquid Fuels. 50th anniversary of the ExxonMobil European Technology Center, Machelen, Belgium (2018)
The Role of Material Dynamics in Interfacial Catalysis. The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen, Denmark (2018)
The Working State of the Oxidation State Catalyst. 256th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & Beyond, Boston, MA, USA (2018)
Chemical Dynamics of Heterogeneous Catalysts. SurfCat Summer School 2018, The Science of Sustainable Fuels and Chemicals, Gilleleje, Denmark (2018)
Energy Sector Coupling in Research: An Integrated Approach. Plenary Lecture, iSEnEC 2018, Integration of Sustainable Energy Expo & Conference, Nuremberg, Germany (2018)
Carbon Materials in Chemical Energy Conversion. CarboCat–VIII, 8th International Symposium on Carbon for Catalysis, Porto, Portugal (2018)
Synthetic Fuels As Critical Element in Renewable Energy Strategies. 2nd Workshop, Perspectives on Power-to-Liquids and Power-to-Chemicals, Freiburg, Germany (2018)
Contribution of Catalysis to Future Sustainable Energy Systems. BASF Symposium, New York, NY, USA (2018)
Fundamentals and Challenges of CCU. International Workshop, What potential does Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) have?, Potsdam, Germany (2018)
Erneuerbare Energien in der Mobilität: Das Potential synthetischer Kraftstoffe auf der Basis von CO2. 39. Internationales Wiener Motorensymposium, Vienna, Austria (2018)
Chemical Energy Conversion. Vortrag anlässlich der Ehrenprofessur an der TU München, Munich, Germany (2018)
Energiewende: Was wir wollen und was wir können. Vortrag mit Diskussion in der Urania, Berlin, Germany (2018)
Sustainable Energy: Systems and Science. 275th Anniversary Symposium, Future of Research – Research of the Future, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany (2018)
Keine Energiewende ohne Chemie! Ringvorlesung, ENERGIE(W)ENDE - Denken, forschen und handeln in Jahrzehnten und Jahrhunderten, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Gießen, Germany (2018)
Material Dynamics in Heterogeneous Catalysis. Seminarvortrag, BASF Catalysts, Iselin, NJ, USA (2017)
Methanol – A Corner Stone in Sustainable Energy Systems. 4th Methanol Technology and Policy Commercial Congress, Frankfurt/Main, Germany (2017)
Die Struktur des Energieproblems. 49. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium 2017, Dresden, Germany (2017)
Wie chemische Dynamik der Energiewende Beine macht. GDCh-Kolloquium des Ortsverbandes Köln-Leverkusen, Köln, Germany (2017)
Photoelectrons From Working Catalysts. GeCatS Infoday, Synchrotron Radiation and Neutrons for Catalysis, Materials Research and Development, Frankfurt/Main, Germany (2017)
Social Impact Through Collaborative Research. Industrial Innovation Information Days 2017, Brussels, Belgium (2017)
Concepts in Heterogeneous Catalysis. Lecture Series Winter Semester 2017 / 2018, Modern Methods in Heterogeneous Catalysis Research, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute, Berlin, Germany (2017)
Dynamik macht Grenzflächen reaktiv. GDCh-Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2017 - Jubiläumskongress, GDCh - 150 Jahre, Berlin, Germany (2017)
Chemical Dynamics of Selective Oxidation Catalysts. 8th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis (WCOC 2017), Krakow, Poland (2017)
Role of Synthetic Fuels in Sustainable Energy System. 2nd International Conference on Power and Energy Engineering, Munich, Germany (2017)
Chemical Energy Conversion. Darmstadt Symposium, The great transition: The importance of critical metals for green energy technologies
, Darmstadt, Germany (2017)
Transition Towards Sustainable Energy. Energy & Sustainability Summer School 2017, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands (2017)
Ammonia Synthesis. Lecture Series, Advanced Courses on Catalytic Reactions, IMPRS RECHARGE, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany (2017)
CO2 Harvesting. Lecture Series, Advanced Courses on Catalytic Reactions, IMPRS RECHARGE, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany (2017)
The Evolution of the Concepts of Active Sites in Heterogeneous Catalysis. Workshop, The Theory and Practice of Catalysis, Telluride Science Research Center, Telluride, CO, USA (2017)
Why Operando Studies in Catalysis. North American Catalysis Society Meeting 2017 (NAM25), Denver, CO, USA (2017)