Publications of Thomas Schmidt

Journal Article (45)

Journal Article S. Caldas, M. Prieto, L.C. Tanase, A. Tiwari, T. Schmidt and B. Roldan Cuenya: Correlative In Situ Spectro-Microscopy of Supported Single CuO Nanoparticles: Unveiling the Relationships between Morphology and Chemical State during Thermal Reduction. ACS Nano 18 (21), 13714–13725 (2024).
Journal Article
L.E. Abramiuc, L.C. Tanase, M. Prieto, S. Caldas, A. Tiwari, N.G. Apostol, M.A. Huşanu, C.F. Chirilă, L. Trupină, T. Schmidt, L. Pintilie and C.M. Teodorescu: Surface charge dynamics on air-exposed ferroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O3(001) thin films. Nanoscale 15 (31), 13062–13075 (2023).
Journal Article
E. Pożarowska, L. Pleines, M. Ewert, M. Prieto, L.C. Tanase, S. Caldas, A. Tiwari, T. Schmidt, J. Falta, E. Krasovskii, C. Morales and J.I. Flege: Preparation and stability of the hexagonal phase of samarium oxide on Ru(0001). Ultramicroscopy 250, 113755 (2023).
Journal Article
M. Prieto, T. Mullan, W. Wan, L.C. Tanase, S. Caldas, S.K. Shaikhutdinov, J. Sauer, D. Usvyat, T. Schmidt and B. Roldan Cuenya: Plasma Functionalization of Silica Bilayer Polymorphs. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 14 (43), 48609–48618 (2022).
Journal Article
J. Zeininger, P. Winkler, M. Raab, Y. Suchorski, M. Prieto, L.C. Tanase, S. Caldas, A. Tiwari, T. Schmidt, M. Stöger-Pollach, A. Steiger-Thirsfeld, B. Roldan Cuenya and G. Rupprechter: Pattern Formation in Catalytic H2 Oxidation on Rh: Zooming in by Correlative Microscopy. ACS Catalysis 12 (19), 11974–11983 (2022).
Journal Article
N. Michalak, T. Ossowski, Z. Miłosz, M. Prieto, Y. Wang, M. Werwiński, V. Babacic, F. Genuzio, L. Vattuone, A. Kiejna, T. Schmidt and M. Lewandowski: Ostwald Ripening in an Oxide-on-Metal System. Advanced Materials Interfaces 9 (17), 2200222 (2022).
Journal Article
S. Kunze, L.C. Tanase, M. Prieto, P. Grosse, F. Scholten, S. Caldas, D. van Vörden, T. Schmidt and B. Roldan Cuenya: Plasma-assisted Oxidation of Cu(100) and Cu(111). Chemical Science 12 (42), 14241–14253 (2021).
Journal Article
H.I. Røst, B.P. Reed, F.S. Strand, J.A. Durk, A. Evans, A. Grubišić-Čabo, G. Wan, M. Cattelan, M. Prieto, D.M. Gottlob, L.C. Tanase, S. Caldas, T. Schmidt, A. Tadich, B.C.C. Cowie, R.K. Chellappan, J.W. Wells and S.P. Cooil: A Simplified Method for Patterning Graphene on Dielectric Layers. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 13 (31), 37510–37516 (2021).
Journal Article
M. Prieto, T. Mullan, M. Schlutow, D.M. Gottlob, L.C. Tanase, D. Menzel, J. Sauer, D. Usvyat, T. Schmidt and H.-J. Freund: Insights into Reaction Kinetics in Confined Space: Real Time Observation of Water Formation under a Silica Cover. Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (23), 8780–8790 (2021).
Journal Article
M. Homann, B. von Boehn, M. Prieto, D.M. Gottlob, L.C. Tanase, T. Schmidt, F. Genuzio, T.O. Menteş, A. Locatelli and R. Imbihl: Coupling of morphological instability and kinetic instability: Chemical waves in hydrogen oxidation on a bimetallic Ni/Rh(111) surface. Physical Review Materials 5 (4), 045002 (2021).
Journal Article
H.I. Røst, R.K. Chellappan, F.S. Strand, Grubišić-Čabo Antonija, B.P. Reed, M. Prieto, L.C. Tanase, S. Caldas, T. Wongpinij, C. Euaruksakul, T. Schmidt, A. Tadich, B.C.C. Cowie, Z. Li, S.P. Cooil and J.W. Wells: Low-Temperature Growth of Graphene on a Semiconductor. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (7), 4243–4252 (2021).
Journal Article
A. Lewandowski, S. Tosoni, L. Gura, Z. Yang, A. Fuhrich, M. Prieto, T. Schmidt, D. Usvyat, W.-D. Schneider, M. Heyde, G. Pacchioni and H.-J. Freund: Growth and Atomic‐Scale Characterization of Ultrathin Silica and Germania Films: The Crucial Role of the Metal Support. Chemistry – A European Journal 27 (6), 1870–1885 (2021).
Journal Article
H. Klemm, M. Prieto, F. Xiong, G.B. Hassine, M. Heyde, D. Menzel, M. Sierka, T. Schmidt and H.-J. Freund: A Silica Bilayer Supported on Ru(0001): Following the Crystalline-to Vitreous Transformation in Real Time with Spectro‐microscopy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 (26), 10587–10593 (2020).
Journal Article
H. Klemm, M. Prieto, F. Xiong, G.B. Hassine, M. Heyde, D. Menzel, M. Sierka, T. Schmidt and H.-J. Freund: A Silica Bilayer Supported on Ru(0001): Following the Crystalline-to Vitreous Transformation in Real Time with Spectro‐Microscopy. Angewandte Chemie 132 (26), 10674–10680 (2020).
Journal Article
F. Silvestri, M. Prieto, A. Babuji, L.C. Tanase, S. Caldas, O. Solomeshch, T. Schmidt, C. Ocal and E. Barrena: Impact of Nanomorphology on Surface Doping of Organic Semiconductors: The Pentacene-C60F48 Interface. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12 (22), 25444–25452 (2020).
Journal Article
K. Schweinar, S. Beeg, C. Hartwig, C.R. Rajamathi, O. Kasian, S. Piccinin, M. Prieto, L.C. Tanase, D.M. Gottlob, T. Schmidt, D. Raabe, R. Schlögl, B. Gault, T. Jones and M.T. Greiner: Formation of a 2D Meta-stable Oxide by Differential Oxidation of AgCu Alloys. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12 (20), 23595–23605 (2020).
Journal Article
H.-J. Freund, M. Heyde, H. Kuhlenbeck, N. Nilius, T. Risse, T. Schmidt, S.K. Shaikhutdinov and M. Sterrer: Chapter model systems in heterogeneous catalysis at the atomic level: a personal view. Science China Chemistry 63 (4), 426–447 (2020).
Journal Article
H. Klemm, M. Prieto, G. Peschel, A. Fuhrich, E. Madej, F. Xiong, D. Menzel, T. Schmidt and H.-J. Freund: Formation and Evolution of Ultrathin Silica Polymorphs on Ru(0001) Studied with Combined in Situ, Real-Time Methods. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (13), 8228–8243 (2019).
Journal Article
T. Schmidt, H. Marchetto, U. Groh, R.H. Fink and E. Umbach: Complex Monolayer Growth Dynamics of a Highly Symmetric Molecule: NTCDA on Ag(111). The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (13), 8244–8255 (2019).
Journal Article
M. Sterrer, N. Nilius, S.K. Shaikhutdinov, M. Heyde, T. Schmidt and H.-J. Freund: Interaction of water with oxide thin film model systems. Journal of Materials Research 34 (3), 360–378 (2019).
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