Book Chapters, Editorials & Conference Papers
Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya
Book Chapters
J. Poon, S.W. Chee, J. Timoshenko and B. Roldan Cuenya: Operando Studies of Electrocatalysts for Energy Technology Reactions. In: Operando Methods in Catalysis and Materials Science. (Eds.): and . Willey-VCH, , 11–111 (2026).
M. Munz, B. Roldan Cuenya and C. Kley: In Situ Investigation of Catalytic Interfaces by Scanning Probe Microscopy under Electrochemical Conditions. In: Encyclopedia of Solid-Liquid Interfaces. 1st Ed. (Eds.): and . Elsevier, Amsterdam, 656–680 (2024).
B. Roldan Cuenya: Electrochemical CO2 reduction. In: Research needs towards sustainable production of fuels and chemicals. Energy-X, Grenoble, 19–27 (2019). and
B. Roldan Cuenya and : Nanostructures: Sensor and Catalytic Properties. In: Functional Nanostructures: Processing, Characterization, and Applications. (Ed.): ., 305–344 (2008).
B. Roldan Cuenya and : Sensors based on Chemicurrents. In: Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. (Eds.): and . (Ed.): . Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, Basel, 3527–3537 (2004).
B. Roldan Cuenya, , , and : Reflection high-energy electron diffraction and 119sn mössbauer investigation of epitaxial α-sn films. In: Structure and Dynamics of Heterogeneous Systems. (Eds.): and . World Scientific, Singapore, 251–262 (2000).
B. Roldan Cuenya and : Introduction: Operando and In Situ Studies in Catalysis and Electrocatalysis. Chemical Reviews 124 (13), 8011–8013 (2024).
B. Roldan Cuenya and : Introduction: Advanced Materials and Methods for Catalysis and Electrocatalysis by Transition Metals. , , Chemical Reviews 121 (2), 563–566 (2021).
B. Roldan Cuenya, , , , , and : Excellence versus Diversity? Not an Either/Or Choice. , , , , , , , , , , , , ACS Catalysis 10 (13), 7310–7311 (2020).
non peer-reviewed
S.W. Chee, , F. Yang, P. Grosse, J. Poon and B. Roldan Cuenya: Understanding Structure-Property Relationships in Nanoparticle Electrocatalysts through Correlated Electron Microscopies. Microscopy and Microanalysis 27 (S1), 52–53 (2021).
B. Roldan Cuenya, A. Bergmann, C. Kley, P. Grosse and S. Oener: Klimaneutralität mittels Katalyse. Jahrbuch / Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 2020, 11659628 (2021).
B. Roldan Cuenya, A. Bergmann, C. Kley, P. Grosse and S. Oener: Maßgeschneiderte Katalysatoren für die grüne Energiewirtschaft. Highlights aus dem Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 2020, 8–10 (2021).
B. Roldan Cuenya, A. Bergmann, C. Kley, P. Grosse and S. Oener: Tailor-made catalysts for the green energy industry. Highlights from the yearbook of the Max Planck Society 2020, 8–10 (2021).
R. Schlögl and B. Roldan Cuenya: So wird Wasserstoff grün. Die Welt (57), 24–24 (2020).