GAP/(M)ACE Developers & Users Meeting 2024
CECAM Node Workshop
- Start: Sep 17, 2024
- End: Sep 20, 2024
- Location: Institute of Computer Science of the Free University of Berlin, Takustrasse. 9, 14195, Berlin
- Host: Hendrik Heenen, Miguel Caro, Gabor Csanyi, Albert Bartok-Partay, Johannes Margraf, Giulia Glorani

Machine-learned interatomic potentials (MLIPs) have emerged as a powerful tool to transport the predictive accuracy of first principles calculations to larger length and timescales. Importantly, MLIPs enable the accurate modeling of chemical reactivity, which is essential for handling complex processes in materials and is beyond the reach of classical potentials. Owing to their success, the field of MLIPs has seen exponential growth and the methodology is advancing very quickly. Keeping up with these developments, while ensuring the carefully groomed quality standards of the community, has become increasingly difficult for both new and experienced users and developers.
Among the many flavors of MLIPs, the methodologically related Gaussian Approximation Potentials (GAP), the Atomic Cluster Expansion (ACE) and its message-passing variant MACE, as well as their software packages are well-known and enjoy large and overlapping user bases. In the third GAP/(M)ACE Developers & Users Meeting workshop we aim to bring together the community developing GAP and (M)ACE as well as the user base for a deep exchange via lectures, hands-on sessions, contributed talks and a poster session to foster MLIP development and best practices in applications.
The workshop topics include:
- GAP and (M)ACE school with a basic introduction to data-driven atomistic simulation, atomic descriptors, the specifics of GAP, ACE, and MACE, and using the software packages QUIP, ACE1pack, ACEsuit/mace
- "What's new?" section with new methods and techniques for better software, scalability, parallelization, GPU porting, wrappers for automatic workflows for potential generation
- GAP/(M)ACE enabled science section with examples from various scientific fields to highlight the diverse ways of pushing the scales using GAP and (M)ACE
A main component of the workshop will be lectures which will be further
complemented by contributed talks, hands-on sessions, and a poster
presentation that allow more personal exchange on scientific and
technical issues.
Registration deadline: 31st July 2024.
We invite abstract submissions for contributed talks (20 min) and posters. Online screening of the talks will be available with registration. For further details and registration, see CECAM Website.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Hendrik Heenen at