X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)
UHV System 1
- Specs Phoibos 100 electron energy analyser
- Acceptance angle: ± 15°
- Kinetic energy range: 0 - 3500 eV
- Pass energies: 0 - 550 eV, continuously adjustable
- MCD 5 channel Detector
- Specs XR50 Al/Mg X-ray source
- Other coupled techniques see here
UHV System 2
- Specs Phoibos 150 electron energy analyser
- Acceptance angle: ± 15°
- Kinetic energy range: 0 - 3500 eV
- Pass energies: 0 - 550 eV, continuously adjustable
- Energy resolution: < 10 meV
- MCD 9 9-channel detector
- Specs XR50 M Al/Mg monochromated X-ray source (Focus 500 monochromator)
- Specs FG 20 electron flood gun
- Specs Low Energy Ion Spectroscopy (LEIS), Helium-ion source
- Other coupled instruments see here
UHV System 3
- Specs XR 50M Al Kα X-ray source, with Specs FOCUS 600 ellipsoidal monochromator
- Specs Phoibos 100/150 hemispherical electron energy analyser
- Specs FG 15/40 flood gun to compansate for insulator sample charging
- Sample preparation chamber: one 3-pocket e-beam evaporator, one 3-pocket evaporator
- Other coupled instruments see here
UHV System 4
- Specs Phoibos 100 electron energy analyser
- MCD 5 channel Detector
- Specs XR50 monochromated Al/Mg X-ray source
- Specs FG 15/40 flood gun
- Specs Low Energy Ion Spectroscopy (LEIS): Helium ion source
- Other coupled instruments see here
UHV System 6
- Omicron EA125 XPS analyzer (7 channeltrons)
- Omicron DAR400 Mg/Al X-ray source
- Sputter gun sample preparation
- For details of other coupled techniques, see here