Zeitschriftenartikel (272)

Schlögl, R.: Quo vadis carbocatalysis? Journal of Energy Chemistry 61, 219–227 (2021).
Schlögl, R.: Material Science for catalysis: Quo vadis? Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 647 (222), 1998–2000 (2021).
Schlögl, R., B. Zhang, Q. Zhang und X. Bao: ChemSuChem-a memorial to Dangsheng Su. Journal of Energy Chemistry 61, 250–252 (2021).
Schmidt-Mende, L., V. Dyakonov, S. Olthof, F. Ünlü, K.M.T. Lê, S. Mathur, A.D. Karabanov, D.C. Lupascu, L.M. Herz, A. Hinderhofer, F. Schreiber, A. Chernikov, D.A. Egger, O. Shargaieva, C. Cocchi, E. Unger, M. Saliba, M.M. Byranvand, M. Kroll, F. Nehm, K. Leo, A. Redinger, J. Höcker, T. Kirchartz, J. Warby, E. Gutierrez-Partida, D. Neher, M. Stolterfoht, U. Würfel, M. Unmüssig, J. Herterich, C. Baretzky, J. Mohanraj, M. Thelakkat, C. Maheu, W. Jaegermann, T. Mayer, J. Rieger, T. Fauster, D. Niesner, F. Yang, S. Albrecht, T. Riedl, A. Fakharuddin, M. Vasilopoulou, Y. Vaynzof, D. Moia, J. Maier, M. Franckevičius, V. Gulbinas, R.A. Kerner, L. Zhao, B.P. Rand, N. Glück, T. Bein, F. Matteocci, L.A. Castriotta, A.D. Carlo, M. Scheffler und C. Draxl: Roadmap on organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite semiconductors and devices. APL Materials 9 (10), 109202 (2021).
Scholten, F., K.-L.C. Nguyen, J.P. Bruce, M. Heyde und B. Roldan Cuenya: Identifying structure-selectivity correlations in the electrochemical reduction of CO2: a comparison of well-ordered atomically-clean and chemically-etched Cu single crystal surfaces. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60 (35), 19169–19175 (2021).
Scholten, F., K.-L.C. Nguyen, J.P. Bruce, M. Heyde und B. Roldan Cuenya: Identifying structure-selectivity correlations in the electrochemical reduction of CO2: a comparison of well-ordered atomically-clean and chemically-etched Cu single crystal surfaces. Angewandte Chemie 133 (35), 19318–19324 (2021).
Schönhense, G., D. Kutnyakhov, F. Pressacco, M. Heber, N. Wind, S.Y. Agustsson, S. Babenkov, D. Vasilyev, O. Fedchenko, S. Chernov, L. Rettig, B. Schönhense, L. Wenthaus, G. Brenner, S. Dziarzhytski, S. Palutke, S.K. Mahatha, N. Schirmel, H. Redlin, B. Manschwetus, I. Hartl, Y. Matveyev, A. Gloskovskii, C. Schlueter, V. Shokeen, H. Duerr, T.K. Allison, M. Beye, K. Rossnagel, H.J. Elmers und K. Medjanik: Suppression of the vacuum space-charge effect in fs-photoemission by a retarding electrostatic front lens. Review of Scientific Instruments 92 (05), 053703 (2021).
Schwartz, C.P., S.L. Raj, S. Jamnuch, C.J. Hull, P. Miotti, R.K. Lam, D. Nordlund, C.B. Uzundal, C.D. Pemmaraju, R. Mincigrucci, L. Foglia, A. Simoncig, M. Coreno, C. Masciovecchio, L. Giannessi, L. Poletto, E. Principi, M. Zürch, T.A. Pascal, W.S. Drisdell und R.J. Saykally: Angstrom-Resolved Interfacial Structure in Buried Organic-Inorganic Junctions. Physical Review Letters 127 (9), 096801 (2021).
Schwarz, H. und B. Friedrich: Nachruf: Rudolf Zahradník (1928 - 2020). Nachrichten aus der Chemie 69 (1), 94–94 (2021).
Seifert, J., S. Carey, S. Schauermann, S.K. Shaikhutdinov und H.-J. Freund: Water and Carbon Dioxide Adsorption on CaO(001) Studied via Single Crystal Adsorption Calorimetry. Topics in Catalysis 64 (17-20), 1030–1040 (2021).
Seifert, T., U. Martens, F. Radu, M. Ribow, M. Beritta, L. Nadvornik, R. Starke, T. Jungwirth, M. Wolf, I. Radu, M. Münzenberg, P.M. Oppeneer, G. Woltersdorf und T. Kampfrath: Frequency-Independent Terahertz Anomalous Hall Effect in DyCo5, Co32Fe68 and Gd27Fe73 Thin Films from DC to 40 THz. Advanced Materials 33 (14), 2007398 (2021).
Seiler, H., M. Krynski, D. Zahn, S. Hammer, Y.W. Windsor, T. Vasileiadis, J. Pflaum, R. Ernstorfer, M. Rossi und H. Schwoerer: Nuclear dynamics of singlet exciton fission in pentacene single crystals. Science Advances 7 (26), eabg0869 (2021).
Seiler, H., D. Zahn, M. Zacharias, P.-N. Hildebrandt, T. Vasileiadis, Y.W. Windsor, Y. Qi, C. Carbogno, C. Draxl, R. Ernstorfer und F. Caruso: Accessing the Anisotropic Nonthermal Phonon Populations in Black Phosphorus. Nano Letters 21 (14), 6171–6178 (2021).
Sidiropoulos, T.P.H., N. Di Palo, D.E. Rivas, S. Severino, M. Reduzzi, B. Nandy, B. Bauerhenne, S. Krylow, T. Vasileiadis, T. Danz, P. Elliott, S. Sharma, K. Derwhurst, C. Ropers, Y. Joly, K.M.E. Garcia, M. Wolf, R. Ernstorfer und J. Biegert: Probing the Energy Conversion Pathways between Light, Carriers, and Lattice in Real Time with Attosecond Core-Level Spectroscopy. Physical Review X 11 (4), 041060 (2021).
Simon, G.H., C. Kley und B. Roldan Cuenya: Potential‐Dependent Morphology of Copper Catalysts During CO2 Electroreduction Revealed by In Situ Atomic Force Microscopy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60 (5), 2561–2568 (2021).
Simon, G.H., C. Kley und B. Roldan Cuenya: Potentialabhängige Morphologie von Kupferkatalysatoren während der Elektroreduktion von CO2, ermittelt durch In‐situ‐Rasterkraftmikroskopie. Angewandte Chemie 133 (5), 2591–2599 (2021).
Sixt, T., J. Guan, A. Tsoukala, S. Hofsäss, T. Muthu-Arachchige, F. Stienkemeier und K. Dulitz: Preparation of individual magnetic sub-levels of 4He(23S1) in a supersonic beam using laser optical pumping and magnetic hexapole focusing. Review of Scientific Instruments 92 (7), 073203 (2021).
Spanos, I., J. Masa, A. Zeradjanin und R. Schlögl: The Effect of Iron Impurities on Transition Metal Catalysts for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Alkaline Environment: Activity Mediators or Active Sites? Catalysis Letters 151 (7), 1843–1856 (2021).
Spöri, C., L. Falling, M. Kroschel, C. Brand, A. Bonakdarpour, S. Kühl, D. Berger, M. Gliech, T. Jones, D.P. Wilkinson und P. Strasser: Molecular Analysis of the Unusual Stability of an IrNbOx Catalyst for the Electrochemical Water Oxidation to Molecular Oxygen (OER). ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 13 (3), 3748–3761 (2021).
Staacke, C., H. Heenen, C. Scheurer, G. Csányi , K. Reuter und J. Margraf: On the Role of Long-Range Electrostatics in Machine-Learned Interatomic Potentials for Complex Battery Materials. ACS Applied Energy Materials 4 (11), 12562–12569 (2021).
Stegmaier, S., R. Schierholz, I. Povstugar, J. Barthel, S.P. Rittmeyer, S. Yu, S. Wengert, S. Rostami, H. Kungl, K. Reuter, R.-A. Eichel und C. Scheurer: Nano-Scale Complexions Facilitate Li Dendrite-Free Operation in LATP Solid-State Electrolyte. Advanced Energy Materials 11 (26), 2100707 (2021).
Straňák, P., L. Ploenes, S. Hofsäss, K. Dulitz, F. Stienkemeier und S. Willitsch: Development and characterization of high-repetition-rate sources for supersonic beams of fluorine radicals. Review of Scientific Instruments 92 (10), 103203 (2021).
Szekeres, G.P., S. Krekic, R.L. Miller, M. Mero, K. Pagel und Z. Heiner: The interaction of chondroitin sulfate with a lipid monolayer observed by using nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (23), 13389–13395 (2021).
Talirz, L., L.M. Ghiringhelli und B. Smit: Trends in Atomistic Simulation Software Usage [Articlev1.0]. Living Journal of Computational Molecular Science 3 (1), 1–12 (2021).
Thomas, D., M. Taccone, K. Ober, E. Mucha, G. Meijer und G.von Helden: Helium Nanodroplet Infrared Action Spectroscopy of the Proton-Bound Dimer of Hydrogen Sulfate and Formate: Examining Nuclear Quantum Effects. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 125 (42), 9279–9287 (2021).
Thürmer, S., S. Malerz, F. Trinter, U. Hergenhahn, C. Lee, D.M. Neumark, G. Meijer, B. Winter und I. Wilkinson: Accurate vertical ionization energy and work function determinations of liquid water and aqueous solutions. Chemical Science 12 (31), 10558–10582 (2021).
Timmermann, J., Y. Lee, C. Staacke, J. Margraf, C. Scheurer und K. Reuter: Data-Efficient Iterative Training of Gaussian Approximation Potentials: Application to Surface Structure Determination of Rutile IrO2 and RuO2. The Journal of Chemical Physics 155 (24), 244107 (2021).
Timoshenko, J. und B. Roldan Cuenya: In Situ/Operando Electrocatalyst Characterization by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy. Chemical Reviews 121 (2), 882–961 (2021).
Toghan, A., M. Greiner, A. Knop-Gericke und R. Imbihl: Identification of the surface species in electrochemical promotion: ethylene oxidation over a Pt/YSZ catalyst. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (38), 21591–21598 (2021).
Tompos, A., M. Sanchez-Sanchez, L. Végvári, G.P. Szijjártó, J.L. Margitfalvi, A. Trunschke, R. Schlögl, K. Wanninger und G. Mestl: Combinatorial optimization and synthesis of multiple promoted MoVNbTe catalysts for oxidation of propane to acrylic acid. Catalysis Today 363, 45–54 (2021).
Tsakonas, C., A.C. Manikas, M. Andersen, M. Dimitropoulos, K. Reuter und C. Galiotis: In situ kinetic studies of CVD graphene growth by reflection spectroscopy. Chemical Engineering Journal 421 (1), 129434 (2021).
Türk, H., F. Schmidt, T. Götsch, F. Girgsdies, A. Hammud, D. Ivanov, I.C. Vinke, L.G.J. de Haart, R.-A. Eichel, K. Reuter, R. Schlögl, A. Knop-Gericke, C. Scheurer und T. Lunkenbein: Complexions at the Electrolyte/Electrode Interface in Solid Oxide Cells. Advanced Materials Interfaces 8 (18), 2100967 (2021).
Ulrich, V., B. Moroz, P. Pyrjaev, I. Sinev, A. Bukhtiyarov, E. Gerasimov, V. Bukhtiyarov, B. Roldan Cuenya und W. Grünert: Three-way catalysis with bimetallic supported Pd-Au catalysts: Gold as a poison and as a promotor. Applied Catalysis B 282, 119614 (2021).
Vanbuel, J., P. Ferrari, M. Jia, A. Fielicke und E. Janssens: Argon tagging of doubly transition metal doped aluminum clusters: The importance of electronic shielding. The Journal of Chemical Physics 154 (5), 054312 (2021).
Varano, C.: Elmar Zeitler: A Rigorous and Jovial Physicist: March 12, 1927–December 19, 2020. Microscopy Today 23 (3), 66–67 (2021).
Várnai, B., M. Grabarics, Z. Szakács, K. Pagel, M. Malanga, T. Sohajda und S. Béni: Structural characterization of fondaparinux interaction with per-6-amino-beta-cyclodextrin: An NMR and MS study. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 197, 113947 (2021).
Veerapandian, S., W. Jang, J.B. Seol, H. Wang, M. Kong, K. Thiyagarajan, J. Kwak, G. Park, G. Lee, W. Suh, I. You, M.E. Kılıç, A. Giri, L. Beccai, A. Soon und U. Jeong: Hydrogen-doped viscoplastic liquid metal microparticles for stretchable printed metal lines. Nature Materials 20 (4), 533–540 (2021).
Velasco Vélez, J., E. Carbonio, C.-H. Chuang, C.-J. Hsu, J.-F. Lee, R. Arrigo, M. Hävecker, R. Wang, M. Plodinec, F.R. Wang, A. Centeno, A. Zurutuza, L. Falling, R. Mom, S. Hofmann, R. Schlögl, A. Knop-Gericke und T. Jones: Surface Electron-Hole Rich Species Active in the Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (32), 12524–12534 (2021).
Velasco Vélez, J., L. Falling, D. Bernsmeier, M.J. Sear, P.C.J. Clark, T.S. Chan, E. Stotz, M. Hävecker, R. Kraehnert, A. Knop-Gericke, C.-H.C. Chuang, D.E. Starr, M. Favaro und R. Mom: A comparative study of electrochemical cells for in situ X-ray spectroscopies in the soft and tender X-ray range. Journal of Physics D 54 (12), 124003 (2021).
Volykhov, A.A., A.S. Frolov, V.S. Neudachina, N.V. Vladimirova, E. Gerber, C. Callaert, J. Hadermann, N.O. Khmelevsky, A. Knop-Gericke, J. Sánchez-Barriga und L.V. Yashina: Impact of ordering on the reactivity of mixed crystals of topological insulators with anion substitution: Bi2SeTe2 and Sb2SeTe2. Applied Surface Science 541, 148490 (2021).
Wang, H., S. Delacroix, A. Zieleniewska, J. Hou, N.V. Tarakina, D. Cruz, I. Lauermann, A.J. Ferguson, J.L. Blackburn und V. Strauss: In Situ Synthesis of Molybdenum Carbide Nanoparticles Incorporated into Laser-Patterned Nitrogen-Doped Carbon for Room Temperature VOC Sensing. Advanced Functional Materials 31 (46), 2104061 (2021).
Wang, M., C.-Y. Zhao, H.-Y. Zhou, Y. Zhao, Y. Li und J.-B. Ma: The sequential activation of H2 and N2 mediated by the gas-phase Sc3N+ clusters: Formation of amido unit. The Journal of Chemical Physics 154 (5), 054307 (2021).
Wang, W., X. Liu und J. Pérez-Ríos: Complex Reaction Network Thermodynamic and Kinetic Autoconstruction Based on Ab Initio Statistical Mechanics: A Case Study of O2 Activation on Ag4 Clusters. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 125 (25), 5670–5680 (2021).
Wasyluk, Ł., V. Boiko, M. Markowska, M. Haisak, M.L. Saladino, D. Hreniak, N. Amati, L. Gregoratti, P. Zeller, D. Biały, J. Arkowski und M. Wawrzynska: Graphene Coating Obtained in a Cold-Wall CVD Process on the Co-Cr Alloy (L-605) for Medical Applications. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (6), 2917 (2021).
Weindl, R., R. Khare, L. Kovarik, A. Jentys, K. Reuter, H. Shi und J.A. Lercher: Zeolite-Stabilized Di- and Tetranuclear Molybdenum Sulfide Clusters Form Stable Catalytic Hydrogenation Sites. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60 (17), 9301–9305 (2021).
Weindl, R., R. Khare, L. Kovarik, A. Jentys, K. Reuter, H. Shi und J.A. Lercher: Zeolite-Stabilized Di- and Tetranuclear Molybdenum Sulfide Clusters Form Stable Catalytic Hydrogenation Sites. Angewandte Chemie 60 (17), 9387–9391 (2021).
Wengert, S., G. Csányi, K. Reuter und J. Margraf: Data-efficient machine learning for molecular crystal structure prediction. Chemical Science 12 (12), 4536–4546 (2021).
Windsor, Y.W., D. Zahn, R. Kamrla, J. Feldl, H. Seiler, C.-T. Chiang, M. Ramsteiner, W. Widdra, R. Ernstorfer und L. Rettig: Exchange-Striction Driven Ultrafast Nonthermal Lattice Dynamics in NiO. Physical Review Letters 126 (14), 147202 (2021).
Xu, W., M. Andersen und K. Reuter: Data-Driven Descriptor Engineering and Refined Scaling Relations for Predicting Transition Metal Oxide Reactivity. ACS Catalysis 11 (2), 734–742 (2021).
Xu, Y., G. Luo, Q. Zhang, W. Cui, Z. Li und S. Zhang: Potential hazards of novel waste-derived sorbents for efficient removal of mercury from coal combustion flue gas. Journal of Hazardous Materials 412, 125226 (2021).
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