
Bridging Native and Intrinsic Structures of Microhydrated Biomolecules by Cryogenic Ion Spectroscopy

Over the years, cryogenic ion spectroscopy has established itself as a powerful technique for studying the structures and properties of biomolecules in the gas phase. [mehr]

Bimetallic Catalyst for Hydrogenation Reactions

CatLab Lectures 2024/25
A series of independent lectures on fundamentals and latest developments in heterogeneous catalysis, thin film technology, physical chemistry, process engineering and materials design. [mehr]

Nano- and microelelctroanalytic methods for understanding electrocatalysts

Fritz Forum - Mental Health

We are pleased to announce that the third edition of the Fritz Forum will feature Dipl.-Psych. Jörg Bergmann, who will give a lecture on the topic of mental health. The event will take place on January 29th at 16:30 in the FHI library and will be titled “Mental Health: A Societal and Organizational Issue”. [mehr]

Structural Dynamics of Water, Ice, and Chemical Reactions Revealed by X-ray Experiments at FELs

X-ray science has evolved dramatically with the use of X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) that can generate ultrashort X-ray pulses with unprecedented brilliance and coherence. [mehr]

How to Make Fuels and Chemicals with Sunlight: Artificial Photosynthesis

CatLab Lectures 2024/25
Artificial photosynthesis offers a transformative approach to sustainable fuel and chemical production by mimicking natural photosynthesis to convert sunlight, CO₂, and water into value-added products. This presentation highlights recent progress in developing advanced photoelectrodes and tailoring catalytic microenvironments to enhance reaction efficiency and selectivity. [mehr]

Spectroscopic investigation of proton bonding at sub-kelvin temperatures

The proton bond is a pivotal chemical motif with significant implications across science and technology, yet its quantum chemical description is challenged by nuclear and charge delocalization effects. [mehr]

The Many Roles of Nanostrucutred Carbon Materials in Heterogeneous Catalysis

CatLab Lectures 2024/25
Nanostructured carbon materials are a fascinating class of materials to showcase possible synergies and to develop novel, disruptive concepts for heterogeneous catalysis at the border between materials chemistry research and catalysis research. [mehr]
Advanced materials are driving innovation across all fields of technology, ranging from construction and mechanical engineering, automotive and electromobility, to medical technology, energy storage and conversion technologies, and microelectronics. [mehr]

TH-Seminar: Prof. Ian Sharp

TH-Seminar: Dr. Dorothea Golze

Girls´Day 2025

Die Kolleg*innen am Fritz-Haber-Institut haben sich einen aufregenden und abwechslungsreichen Tag einfallen lassen. / The colleagues at the Fritz Haber Institute have come up with an exciting and eventful day. Anmeldung ab 17.02.2025 [mehr]

TH-Seminar: Dr. Tim Frömling

TH-Seminar: Dr. Thomas D Swinburne

With the aim of enabling vital exchange of emerging expertise, the international conference “Challenges on Renewable Energy Storage” was set up. Following the first two gatherings of this kind in 2022 and 2024, the meeting will continue to bring together front runners of the fields catalysis and electrocatalysis, allowing them to exchange views on the most recent advancements, as well as to renew the necessary interdisciplinary networks. [mehr]
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