Zeitschriftenartikel (238)

Junkes, H.: Meßsysteme für die Grundlagenforschung. Elektronik 43 (13), 86–90 (1999).
Kazansky, V.B., V.Y. Borovkov und H.G. Karge: Diffuse Reflectance IR Study of Molecular Hydrogen and Deuterium Adsorbed at 77 K on NaA Zeolite Part 2. Overtone, Combination and Vibration-Rotational Modes and Thermodesorption from NaA Zeolite. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 211 (1), 1–12 (1999).
Kempgens, B., H.M. Köppe, A. Kivimäki, M. Neeb, K. Maier, U. Hergenhahn und A.M. Bradshaw: On the correct identification of shape resonances in NEXAFS. Surface Science 425 (1), L376–L380 (1999).
Kim, H.W., J.R. Ahn, J.W. Chung, B.D. Yu und M. Scheffler: Alkali metal (Li, K) induced reconstructions of the W(001) surface. Surface Science 430 (1-3), L515–L520 (1999).
Kim, Y.D., S. Schwegmann und H. Over: The atomic geometries of Cs and K adsorbed on Pd(111): the important role of the ionization potential of the substrate for the bonding. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 1 (8), 2001–2005 (1999).
Kleinpoppen, H. und U. Becker: Interactions of polarized electrons and polarized photons with atoms and molecules. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 357 (1755), 1229–1258 (1999).
Klüner, T., S. Thiel und V. Staemmler: Ab initio calculation of proton scattering from He(1s2s, 1S): a first-principles wavepacket study beyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Journal of Physics B 32 (20), 4931–4946 (1999).
Knözinger, H. und G. Mestl: Laser Raman spectroscopy - A powerful tool for in situ studies of catalytic materials. Topics in Catalysis 8 (1-2), 45–55 (1999).
Kositza, M.J., C. Bohne, P. Alexandridis, T.A. Hatton und J.F. Holzwarth: Micellization Dynamics and Impurity Solubilization of the Block-Copolymer L64 in an Aqueous Solution. Langmuir 15 (2), 322–325 (1999).
Kositza, M.J., C. Bohne, T.A. Hatton, P. Alexandridis und J.F. Holzwarth: Dynamics of Micro- and Macrophase Separation of Amphiphilic Block-Copolymers in Aqueous Solution. Macromolecules 32 (16), 5539–5551 (1999).
Kratzer, P., C.G. Morgan und M. Scheffler: Model for nucleation in GaAs homoepitaxy derived from first principles. Physical Review B 59 (23), 15246–15252 (1999).
Krenzer, B., L. Constant und H. Conrad: A high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy study of the Fermi resonance of CO2 adsorbed on a Ag(110)/CO3 layer. The Journal of Chemical Physics 111 (3), 1288–1292 (1999).
Krenzer, B., L. Constant und H. Conrad: Carbonate formation by reacting CO2 with an O2 layer on Ag(110) studied by high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy. Surface Science 443 (1-2), 116–124 (1999).
Kushmerick, J.G., K.F. Kelly, H.-P. Rust, N.J. Halas und P.S. Weiss: Observations of Anisotropic Electron Scattering on Graphite with a Low-Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscope. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103 (10), 1619–1622 (1999).
LaBella, V.P., H. Yang, D.W. Bullock, P.M. Thibado, P. Kratzer und M. Scheffler: Atomic structure of the GaAs(001)-(2x4) surface resolved using scanning tunneling microscopy and first-principles theory. Physical Review Letters 83 (15), 2989–2992 (1999).
Li, G., G. Koßmehl, W. Kautek, W. Plieth, J. Melsheimer, K. Doblhofer, W.-D. Hunnius und H. Zhu: Reactive groups on polymer‐coated electrodes, 9. New electroactive polythiophenes with epoxy and cyclic carbonate groups. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 200 (2), 450–459 (1999).
Li, Y., S.M. Ghoreishi, J. Warr, D.M. Bloor, J.F. Holzwarth und E. Wyn-Jones: Interactions between a Nonionic Copolymer Containing Different Amounts of Covalently Bonded Vinyl Acrylic Acid and Surfactants:  EMF and Microcalorimetry Studies. Langmuir 15 (19), 6326–6332 (1999).
Libuda, J. und G. Scoles: Collision-Induced Chemical Dynamics in Ethanethiol Adsorbed on Au(111). The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103 (45), 9933–9943 (1999).
Lin, W.F., M.-S. Zei, M. Eiswirth, G. Ertl, T. Iwasita und W. Vielstich: Electrocatalytic Activity of Ru-Modified Pt(111) Electrodes toward CO Oxidation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103 (33), 6968–6977 (1999).
Lin, W.F., M.-S. Zei und G. Ertl: Identification of the structure of a CO adlayer on a Pt(111) electrode. Chemical Physics Letters 312 (1), 1–6 (1999).
Lindsay, R., P. Baumgärtel, R. Terborg, O. Schaff, A.M. Bradshaw und D.P. Woodruff: Molecules on oxide surfaces: a quantitative structural determination of NO adsorbed on NiO(100). Surface Science 425 (2-3), L401–L406 (1999).
Liu, Q.K.K., N. Moll, M. Scheffler und E. Pehlke: Equilibrium shapes and energies of coherent strained InP islands. Physical Review B 60 (24), 17008–17015 (1999).
Lundgren, E., X. Torrelles, J. Alvarez, S. Ferrer, H. Over, A. Beutler und J.N. Andersen: Surface x-ray-diffraction study of the Rh(111)+(2×2)−3CO structure. Physical Review B 59 (8), 5876–5880 (1999).
Ma, Y., S.L. Suib, T. Ressler, J. Wong, M. Lovallo und M. Tsapatsis: Synthesis of Porous CrOx Pillared Octahedral Layered Manganese Oxide Materials. Chemistry of Materials 11 (12), 3545–3554 (1999).
Manrubia, S.C. und A.S. Mikhailov: Mutual synchronization and clustering in randomly coupled chaotic dynamical networks. Physical Review E 60 (2), 1579–1589 (1999).
Manrubia, S.C., D.H. Zanette und R.V. Solé: Transient Dynamics and Scaling Phenomena in Urban Growth. Fractals: Complex Geometry Patterns and Scaling in Nature and Society 07 (1), 1–8 (1999).
Manrubia, S.C. und D.H. Zanette: Stochastic multiplicative processes with reset events. Physical Review E 59 (5), 4945–4948 (1999).
Mejias, J.A., V. Staemmler und H.-J. Freund: Electronic states of the Cr2O3(0001) surface from ab initio embedded cluster calculations. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 11 (40), 7881–7891 (1999).
Melsheimer, J., S.S. Mahmoud, G. Mestl und R. Schlögl: In situ UV-VIS diffuse reflectance spectroscopy of reduction-reoxidation of heteropoly compounds by methanol and ethanol: A correlation between spectroscopic and catalytic data. Catalysis Letters 60 (3), 103–111 (1999).
Mikhailov, A.S.: Nonlinear phenomena in heterogeneous catalysis. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 263 (1-4), 329–337 (1999).
Mikhailov, A.S. und D.H. Zanette: Noise-induced breakdown of coherent collective motion in swarms. Physical Review E 60 (4), 4571–4575 (1999).
Miners, J.H., A.M. Bradshaw und P. Gardner: Direct observation of surface isocyanate (NCO) formation during the CO+NO reaction on Pt{100}. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 1 (20), 4909–4912 (1999).
Mirbt, S., N. Moll, A. Kley und J.D. Joannopoulos: A general rule for surface reconstructions of III-V semiconductors. Surface Science 422 (1-3), L177–L182 (1999).
Mishin, I.V., H.K. Beyer und H.G. Karge: Activity and selectivity of high-silica mordenites in the disproportionation of ethylbenzene. Applied Catalysis A 180 (1-2), 207–216 (1999).
Morgan, C.G., P. Kratzer und M. Scheffler: Arsenic dimer dynamics during MBE growth: Theoretical evidence for a novel chemisorption state of As_2 molecules on GaAs surfaces. Physical Review Letters 82 (24), 4886–4889 (1999).
Mousa, M.S., A. Hammoudeh und J. Loboda-Cackovic: Chemisorption of nitrogen on PdCu(1 1 0) single-crystal alloy. Vacuum 54 (1-4), 251–255 (1999).
Nagy, A.J. und G. Mestl: High temperature partial oxidation reactions over silver catalysts. Applied Catalysis A 188 (1-2), 337–353 (1999).
Nagy, A.J., G. Mestl, D. Herein, G. Weinberg, E. Kitzelmann und R. Schlögl: The correlation of subsurface oxygen diffusion with variations of silver morphlogy in the silver-oxygen system. Journal of Catalysis 182 (2), 417–429 (1999).
Nagy, A.J., G. Mestl, D. Herein, G. Weinberg, E. Kitzelmann und R. Schlögl: The Correlation of Subsurface Oxygen Diffusion with Variations of Silver Morphology in the Silver–Oxygen System. Journal of Catalysis 182 (2), 417–429 (1999).
Nagy, A.J., G. Mestl und R. Schlögl: The role of sub-surface oxygen in the silver-catalyzed, oxidative coupling of methane. Journal of Catalysis 188 (1), 58–68 (1999).
Nagy, A.J., G. Mestl und R. Schlögl: The Role of Subsurface Oxygen in the Silver-Catalyzed, Oxidative Coupling of Methane. Journal of Catalysis 188 (1), 58–68 (1999).
Nepijko, S.A., M. Klimenkov, M. Adelt, H. Kuhlenbeck, R. Schlögl und H.-J. Freund: Structural Investigation of Palladium Clusters on γ-AlO3(111)/NiAl(110) with Transmission Electron Microscopy. Langmuir 15 (16), 5309–5313 (1999).
Nepijko, S.A., M. Klimenkov, H. Kuhlenbeck und H.-J. Freund: Transmission electron microscopy study of platinum clusters on Al2O3/NiAl(110) under the influence of electron irradiation. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. A 17 (2), 577–583 (1999).
Niesen, T.P., M.R. De Guire, J. Bill, F. Aldinger, M. Rühle, A. Fischer, F.C. Jentoft und R. Schlögl: Atomic force microscopy studies of oxide thin films on organic self-assembled monolayers. Journal of Materials Research 14 (6), 2464–2475 (1999).
Niesen, T.P., M.R.D. Guire, J. Bill, F. Aldinger, M. Rühle, A. Fischer, F.C. Jentoft und R. Schlögl: Atomic force microscopic studies of oxide thin films on organic self-assembled monolayers. Journal of Materials Research 14 (6), 2464–2475 (1999).
Northrup, J.E. und J. Neugebauer: Indium induced changes in GaN(0001) surface morphology. Physical Review B 60 (12), R8473–R8476 (1999).
Northrup, J.E., L.T. Romano und J. Neugebauer: Energetics of clean and In-covered GaN(1011) surfaces: Implications for inverted pyramid defect formation and the origin of chemical ordering in InGaN alloys. Applied Physics Letters 74 (16), 2319–2322 (1999).
Nouvertné, F., U. May, M. Bamming, A. Rampe, U. Korte, G. Güntherodt, R. Pentcheva und M. Scheffler: Atomic exchange processes and bimodal initial growth of Co/Cu(001). Physical Review B 60 (20), 14382–14386 (1999).
Orlova, E.V., P. Dube, E. Beckmann, F. Zemlin, R. Lurz, T.A. Trautner und P. Tavares: Structure of the 13-fold symmetric portal protein of bacteriophage SPP1. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 6 (9), 842–846 (1999).
Paal, Z., U. Wild, M. Muhler, J.-M. Manoli, C. Potvin, T. Buchholz, S. Sprenger und G. Resofszki: The possible reasons of irreversible deactivation of Pt/sulfated zirconia catalysts: structural and surface analysis. Applied Catalysis A 188 (1-2), 257–266 (1999).
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