Publications of Hendrik Bluhm

Journal Article (46)

Journal Article
C. Richter, R. Dupuy, F. Trinter, T. Buttersack, L. Cablitz, S. Gholami, D. Stemer, C. Nicolas, R. Seidel, B. Winter and H. Bluhm: Surface accumulation and acid-base equilibrium of phenol at the liquid-vapor interface. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, in press.
Journal Article
R. Dupuy, T. Buttersack, F. Trinter, C. Richter, S. Gholami, O. Björneholm, U. Hergenhahn, B. Winter and H. Bluhm: The solvation shell probed by resonant intermolecular Coulombic decay. Nature Communications 15, 6929 (2024).
Journal Article
D. Teschner, J. Plescher, S. Piccinin, T.E. Jones, A. Hammud, F. Schmidt, A. Knop-Gericke, H. Bluhm and A. Shavorskiy: Understanding Anomalous Gas-Phase Peak Shifts in Dip-and-Pull Ambient Pressure XPS Experiments. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128 (17), 7096–7105 (2024).
Journal Article
H. Hoek, T. Gerber, C. Richter, R. Dupuy, R.J. Rapf, H. Oertel, T. Buttersack, L. Trotochaud, O. Karslıoğlu, D. Goodacre, M. Blum, S.M. Gericke, C. Buechner, B. Rude, F. Mugele, K.R. Wilson and H. Bluhm: Compression of a Stearic Acid Surfactant Layer on Water Investigated by Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 128 (15), 3755–3763 (2024).
Journal Article
R. Dupuy, J. Filser, C. Richter, R. Seidel, F. Trinter, T. Buttersack, C. Nicolas, J. Bozek, U. Hergenhahn, H. Oberhofer, B. Winter, K. Reuter and H. Bluhm: Correction: Photoelectron angular distributions as sensitive probes of surfactant layer structure at the liquid-vapor interface. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25 (33), 22538–22538 (2023).
Journal Article
T. Buttersack, H. Haak, H. Bluhm, U. Hergenhahn, G. Meijer and B. Winter: Imaging temperature and thickness of thin planar liquid water jets in vacuum. Structural Dynamics 10 (3), 034901 (2023).
Journal Article
R. Dupuy, J. Filser, C. Richter, T. Buttersack, F. Trinter, S. Gholami, R. Seidel, C. Nicolas, J. Bozek, D. Egger, H. Oberhofer, S. Thürmer, U. Hergenhahn, K. Reuter, B. Winter and H. Bluhm: Ångstrom-Depth Resolution with Chemical Specificity at the Liquid-Vapor Interface. Physical Review Letters 130 (15), 156901 (2023).
Journal Article
R. Dupuy, S. Thürmer, C. Richter, T. Buttersack, F. Trinter, B. Winter and H. Bluhm: Core-Level Photoelectron Angular Distributions at the Liquid–Vapor Interface. Accounts of Chemical Research 56 (3), 215–223 (2023).
Journal Article
M. Scardamaglia, H. Bluhm, S. Nemšák and A. Shavorskiy: Depth distribution of alkali metal ions on supported graphene in the presence of water. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 262 (1), 147281 (2023).
Journal Article
W. Wang, M. Favaro, E. Chen, L. Trotochaud, H. Bluhm, K.-S. Choi, R. van de Krol, D.E. Starr and G. Galli: Influence of Excess Charge on Water Adsorption on the BiVO4(010) Surface. Journal of the American Chemical Society 114 (37), 17173–17185 (2022).
Journal Article
B.-H. Liu, M. Huber, M.A. van Spronsen, M. Salmeron and H. Bluhm: Ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of room-temperature oxygen adsorption on Cu(1 0 0) and Cu(1 1 1). Applied Surface Science 583, 152438 (2022).
Journal Article
R. Dupuy, J. Filser, C. Richter, R. Seidel, F. Trinter, T. Buttersack, C. Nicolas, J. Bozek, U. Hergenhahn, H. Oberhofer, B. Winter, K. Reuter and H. Bluhm: Photoelectron angular distributions as sensitive probes of surfactant layer structure at the liquid-vapor interface. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (8), 4796–4808 (2022).
Journal Article
O. Karslıoğlu, L. Trotochaud, F. Salmassi, E.M. Gullikson, A. Shavorskiy, S. Nemšák and H. Bluhm: Prospects for the expansion of standing wave ambient pressure photoemission spectroscopy to reactions at elevated temperatures. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 40 (1), 013207 (2022).
Journal Article
S. Vadilonga, P. Dumas, U. Schade, K. Holldack, K. Hinrichs, G. Reichardt, T. Gerber, A. Vollmer, J.P. Hofmann, H. Oertel, B. Rech, R. Schlögl, J. Viefhaus and H. Bluhm: Optical Layout and Endstation Concept for the Enhanced Liquid Interface Spectroscopy and Analysis (ELISA) Beamline at BESSY-II. Synchrotron Radiation News 35 (3), 67–72 (2022).
Journal Article
D. Goodacre, M. Blum, C. Buechner, V. Jovic, J.B. Franklin, S. Kittiwatanakul, T. Söhnel, H. Bluhm and K.E. Smith: Methanol Adsorption on Vanadium Oxide Surfaces Observed by Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (42), 23192–23204 (2021).
Journal Article
B. Karagoz, R. Tsyshevsky, L. Trotochaud, Y. Yu, O. Karslıoğlu, M. Blum, B. Eichhorn, H. Bluhm, M.M. Kuklja and A.R. Head: NO2 Interactions with MoO3 and CuO at Atmospherically Relevant Pressures. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (30), 16489–16497 (2021).
Journal Article
J. Hwang, R.R. Rao, L. Giordana, K. Akkiraju, X.R. Wang, E.J. Crumlin, H. Bluhm and Y. Shao-Horn: Regulating oxygen activity of perovskites to promote NOx oxidation and reduction kinetics. Nature Catalysis 4 (8), 663–673 (2021).
Journal Article
H. Kersell, P. Chen, H. Martins, Q. Lu, F. Brausse, B.-H. Liu, M. Blum, S. Roy, B. Rude, A. Kilcoyne, H. Bluhm and S. Nemšák: Simultaneous ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and grazing incidence x-ray scattering in gas environments. Review of Scientific Instruments 92 (4), 044102 (2021).
Journal Article
R. Dupuy, C. Richter, B. Winter, G. Meijer, R. Schlögl and H. Bluhm: Core level photoelectron spectroscopy of heterogeneous reactions at liquid-vapor interfaces: Current status, challenges, and prospects. The Journal of Chemical Physics 154 (6), 060901 (2021).
Journal Article
M.A. Rose, B. Šmíd, M. Vorokhta, I. Slipukhina, M. Andrä, H. Bluhm, T. Duchoň, M. Ležaić, S.A. Chambers, R. Dittmann, D.N. Mueller and F. Gunkel: Identifying Ionic and Electronic Charge Transfer at Oxide Heterointerfaces. Advanced Materials 33 (4), 2004132 (2021).
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