Publications of Sandra Eibenberger Arias

Journal Article (9)

Journal Article
J.H. Lee, E. Abdiha, B.G. Sartakov, G. Meijer and S. Eibenberger Arias: Near-complete chiral selection in rotational quantum states. Nature Communications 15, 7441 (2024).
Journal Article
J.H. Lee, J. Bischoff, A.O. Hernandez-Castillo, E. Abdiha, B.G. Sartakov, G. Meijer and S. Eibenberger: The influence of microwave pulse conditions on enantiomer-specific state transfer. New Journal of Physics 26 (3), 033015 (2024).
Journal Article
S. Eibenberger Arias: Controlling the Internal States of Chiral Molecules. Bunsen-Magazin 2024 (1), 37–40 (2024).
Journal Article
J.H. Lee, J. Bischoff, A.O. Hernandez-Castillo, B.G. Sartakov, G. Meijer and S. Eibenberger Arias: Quantitative study of enantiomer-specific state transfer. Physical Review Letters 128 (17), 173001 (2022).
Journal Article
A.O. Hernandez-Castillo, J. Bischoff, J.H. Lee, J. Langenhan, M. Karra, G. Meijer and S. Eibenberger Arias: High-resolution UV spectroscopy of 1-Indanol. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (12), 7048–2056 (2021).
Journal Article
A.O. Hernandez-Castillo, J. Bischoff, J.H. Lee, J. Langenhan, M. Karra, G. Meijer and S. Eibenberger Arias: Front cover: High-resolution UV spectroscopy of 1-Indanol. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (12), 6977–6977 (2021).
Journal Article
J.P. Porterfield, L. Satterthwaite, S. Eibenberger, D. Patterson and M.C. McCarthy: High sensitivity microwave spectroscopy in a cryogenic buffer gas cell. Review of Scientific Instruments 90 (5), 053104 (2019).
Journal Article
L. Mairhofer, S. Eibenberger, A. Shayeghi and M. Arndt: A quantum ruler for magnetic deflectometry. Entropy 20 (7), 516 (2018).
Journal Article
J.P. Porterfield, S. Eibenberger, D. Patterson and M.C. McCarthy: The ozonolysis of isoprene in a cryogenic buffer gas cell by high resolution microwave spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (28), 16828–16834 (2018).

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