Publikationen von S. B. Whitfield

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Menzel, A.; Langer, B.; Viefhaus, J.; Whitfield, S. B.; Becker, U.: Competition between direct dissociation and resonant Auger decay: a quasi-classical model applied to the 2p-1σ* states of HCl, DCl and Cl2. Chemical Physics Letters 258 (1-2), S. 265 - 270 (1996)
Whitfield, S. B.; Hergenhahn, U.; Kabachnik, N. M.; Langer, B.; Tulkki, J.; Becker, U.: Angular anisotropy in the resonant Auger decay of 2p-photoexcited Mg. Physical Review A 50 (5), S. R3659 - R3572 (1994)
Whitfield, S. B.; Krause, M. O.; van der Meulen, P.; Caldwell, C. D.: High-resolution photoelectron spectrometry of atomic manganese from the region of the 3p→3d giant resonance to 120 eV. Physical Review A 50 (2), S. 1269 - 1286 (1994)
Heiser, F.; Whitfield, S. B.; Viefhaus, J.; Becker, U.; Heimann, P. A.; Shirley, D. A.: Threshold and near-threshold photoelectron spectroscopy around the Ar K edge. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 27, S. 19 - 31 (1994)
Whitfield, S. B.; Langer, B.; Viefhaus, J.; Wehlitz, R.; Berrah, N.; Mahler, W.; Becker, U.: The photon energy dependence of the 5p4nd(2S1/2)(n=5-7) correlation satellites in Xe from 40.8 to 150 eV. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 27, S. L359 - L366 (1994)
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