Publikationen von Oscar Rodriguez de la Fuente

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Borasio, M., O.R. de la Fuente, G. Rupprechter und H.-J. Freund: In situ studies of methanol decomposition and oxidation on Pd(111) by PM-IRAS and XPS spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (38), 17791–17794 (2005).
de la Fuente, O.R., M. Borasio, P. Galletto, G. Rupprechter und H.-J. Freund: The influence of surface defects on methanol decomposition on Pd(111) studied by XPS and PM-IRAS. Surface Science 566-568 (2), 740–745 (2004).
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