Publikationen von Adrian Birzu

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Birzu, A., F. Plenge, N.I. Jaeger, J.L. Hudson und K. Krischer: Excitable dynamics during electrodissolution of a metal disk electrode: model calculations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 5 (17), 3724–3731 (2003).
Birzu, A., F. Plenge, N.I. Jaeger, J.L. Hudson und K. Krischer: Complex spatiotemporal antiphase oscillations during electrodissolution of a metal disk electrode: Model calculations. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (24), 5825–5835 (2003).
Krischer, K., H. Varela, A. Birzu, F. Plenge und A. Bonnefont: Stability of uniform electrode states in the presence of ohmic drop compensation. Electrochimica Acta 49 (1), 103–115 (2003).
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