Fritz Forum - FHI History
- Datum: 12.06.2024
- Uhrzeit: 17:00
- Vortragende(r): Bretislav Friedrich
- Ort: Building A
- Raum: FHI Library (Building A)
- Gastgeber: PhD Rep.

Opening Event of the Fritz Forum
Date: June 12, 2024, 5 pm
Location: FHI Library, followed by a reception in the
adjacent garden
We are pleased to welcome Bretislav
Friedrich, Research Group Leader Emeritus and
co-author of the book One
Hundred Years at the Intersection of Chemistry and
Physics: The Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck
Society 1911-2011, as the speaker for the opening
event. He will present the fascinating history of our
Following the lecture, the PhD representatives invite you to
a reception in the adjacent garden. Enjoy delicious food and
drinks as we celebrate together on a lovely summer evening.