Fritz Session: The Future of Our Climate
- Datum: 09.05.2019
- Uhrzeit: 18:00
- Vortragende(r): Prof. Johan Rockström
- Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- Ort: Harnack House
- Gastgeber: Fritz Haber Institute

Climate change is the existential threat of our generation, demanding urgent and radical action. Publicly discussing what needs to be done is vital to implement lasting change. In this first Fritz Session, we therefore invite you to a talk by Prof. Johan Rockström, the new director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, discussing his agenda for managing the future of our climate.
After the talk and an audience discussion, you can join us for a reception with snacks and drinks, during which you will have the opportunity to discuss steps towards sustainable behaviour with experts from the Leuphana University Lüneburg. We are also excited to present new works by the artist Agata Engelman, grappling with the climate crisis from a different perspective.
Please note that registration is mandatory for this event.