Dr. Katarzyna Skorupska


Dr. Katarzyna Skorupska

Dr. Katarzyna Skorupska


1992 - 1997

Studies at the Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan), Poland
Institute of Chemistry


 Master thesis “Anions Distribution on the Monocrystal Electrode, a Monte Carlo Simulation Studies”, supervised by Prof. E. Dutkiewicz
1997 - 2001

PhD studies at Institute of Chemistry and Technical Chemistry – Poznan
University of Technology, Poland


 Doctorate thesis “Solid Acidic and Alkaline Polymer Electrolytes Based on Poly(vinyl alcohol)”, supervised by Prof. A. Lewandowski. Doctor degree in chemical science and technology.
2002 - 2010

Team supervisor position at the Hahn-Meitner-Institute, Division of Solar Energy, Berlin, Germany, in the group “Interface Engineering” headed by Prof. H.J. Lewerenz (now Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin)


2010 - present

Guest scientist at the Helmholtz Zentrum, Berlin. Working currently at the Synchrotron facilities BESSY II and EMIL


2010 - 2012

Stipendium at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces Potsdam-Golm, Germany in the group of Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. M. Antonietti


2012 - 2013

Position at the Brandenburg University ofTechnology, Cottbus, Germany in the group of Prof. Schmeißer


2013 - 2015

Research associate at the Center for Photoconversion and Catalysis at the University of Wyoming, USA headed by Prof. B. Parkinson


2015 - 2019

Senior Scientist at the Max Planck Society (Fritz Haber Institute Berlin, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, MPI for Chemical Energy Conversion)




2019 - present

Group leader of the Metal group at the Max Planck Society (Fritz Haber Institute Berlin, Department of Inorganic Chemistry


Curriculim Vitae

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