Electron Microscopy group
We cover a broad range of magnifications ranging from optical microscopy over scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and state of the art aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) down to sub angstrom resolution imaging using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Information on the average structure is obtained from detailed X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. Structural information is complemented with information about the elemental composition which is acquired using energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy. Electron energy loss spectrometry (EELS) is used to provide further details about the elemental composition and electronic structure.
- high resolution imaging
- selected area electron diffraction
- bright field/dark field imaging
- HAADF/ADF/ABF/BF imaging
- elemental mapping
- fast scanning of focused electron probe
- spatially resolved compositional analysis
- qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis
- point scan/line scan/elemental mapping
- spatially resolved compositional and electronic structure analysis
- point scan/line scan/elemental mapping
- complementary to NEXAFS
- TEM sample preparation
- Nanofabrication and nanostructuring
- Focused electron/ion beam induced deposition (C, SiO2, Pt)
- Low voltage imaging
- Surface sensitive
- Morphological homogeneity
- Diamond wire saw
- Diamond wheel saw
- Ultramicrotome
- Grinding and polishing machine
- Dimple grinder
- Ion beam thinning
- Transmission and Bragg-Brentano
- Grazing incidence XRD and X-ray reflectometry
- Rietveld refinement
- Operando measurements for powder and thin films
- Probe and image Cs corrector
- cold field emission gun
- acceleration voltages: 80, 200 kV
- point resolution: 1.1 Å TEM
- point resolution: 0.8 Å STEM
- Energy Dispersive X-ray detector
- Gatan Imaging Filter (Quantum)
- Gatan Oneview Camera
- XFEG field emission gun
- acceleration voltage: 200 kV
- Information limit TEM: 1.2 Å
- point resolution STEM: 1.6 Å
- FEI Ceta 16M CMOS camera
- BF, 2 DF, HAADF detectors
- SuperX 4 SDD EDX detectors, 0.9 sr
- EDX energy resolution: 130 eV
- TEM & STEM tomography
- Schottky thermal field emitter
- UC technology (monochromator) at low energies
- Acceleration voltage: 0.35 - 30 kV
- E-beam current: 0.8 pA up to 100 nA
- 5x SE and BSE detectors
- Retractable STEM detector
- High performance ion conversion and electron (ICE) detector for secondary ions (SI) and electrons (SE)
- Max. electron beam resolution @ optimum WD and 15 kV: 0.6 nm
- QuickLok ambient temperature airlock for vacuum transfer
- Gallium ion source
- Acceleration voltage: 0.5 - 30 kV
- Ion beam current: 0.1 pA up to 65 nA
- Ion beam resolution @ coincident point and 30 kV: 4.0 nm
- GIS (Gas Injection System): SiO2, C and Pt deposition
- EasyLift™ In situ lift-out micromanipulator
- Field Emission Gun
- acceleration voltages from 0.5 kV to 30 kV
- max. resolution: 1.4 nm
- Secondary Electron detector
- Back Scattered Electron detector (SSD)
- Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy detector
- Energy Dispersive X-ray detector (Genesis 4000)
- in-situ SEM in gas atmosphere
- mass flow controllers
- Pfeiffer mass spectrometer
- three imaging modes - high vacuum, low vacuum (0.1~2 mbar) and ESEM (up to 30 mbar)
- gaseous SE and BSE detectors
- Cu anode
- Primary Ge(111) monochromator
- Dectris MYTHEN 1K position sensitve microstrip solid-state detector
- Auto sampler
- Mo anode
- Ge monochromator
- Dectris MYTHEN 2 1K detector
- In-situ HT2 high temperature chamber with quartz capillary
- Gas supply system with Bronkhorst mass flow controllers
- Online gas analysis with Pfeiffer quadrupole mass spectrometer
- Cu anode
- Secondary graphite monochromator & scintillation detector
- Alternatively: Ni filter & Dectris MYTHEN 1K position sensitve microstrip solid-state detector
- Anton Paar XRK900 high-temperature diffraction chamber
- Gas supply system with Bronkhorst mass flow controllers
- Online gas analysis with Pfeiffer OmniStar quadrupole mass spectrometer
- Cu anode
- Ni filter
- LynxEye position sensitve microstrip solid-state detector
- Parallel beam geometry
- Cu anode
- Ni filter
- LynxEye position sensitve microstrip solid-state detector
- Compact Eulerian cradle or motorized xyz sample stage
- TC Reflectometry chamber for in situ high temperature XRR and GIXRD