

Dr. Helmut Kuhlenbeck
long-term Group Leader at the Department of Chemical Physics (1996 - 2019) and the Department of Interface Science (2019 - August 2024), retired now.

Dr. Afshan Jamshaid
former PostDoc until July 2024. Now, postdoctoral researcher at the Universität Stuttgart,  Institute of Photovoltaics in Stuttgart, Germany.

Dr. Dmitry Galyamin
former PostDoc until June 2024. Now, freelance scientific consultant based in Barcelona, Spain.

Dr. Ane Etxebarria
former PostDoc until February 2024. Now, researcher at the University of the Basque Country, Materials Physics Center in Donostia/San Sebastian, Spain.

Dr. Aram Yoon
former PostDoc until December 2023. Now, researcher at Shell in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Dr. Clara Rettenmaier
former PhD student and PostDoc until December 2023. Now, researcher at Thyssenkrupp-Nucera.

Dr. Maria De Marco
former PostDoc until November 2023. Now, Junior Professor Chair at the Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg (IPCMS) of the University of Strasbourg, France.

Dr. Uta Hejral
former PostDoc until August 2023. Now Assistant Professor at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Dr. Antonia Herzog
former PhD student and PostDoc until August 2023. Now, PostDoc with Prof. Dr. Yang Shao-Horn at MIT, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Boston, MA, USA.

Dr. David Koshy
former PostDoc until July 2023. Now research engineer in California, USA.

Dr. Aarti Tiwari
former PostDoc until April 2023.

Dr. Felix Haase
former PhD student until April 2023.

Dr. Chao Zhan
former PosDoc until April 2023. Now at College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, China.

Dr. Aarti Tiwari
former PosDoc until April 2023.

Dr. Mauricio Lopez Luna
former PhD student until March 2023. Now, PostDoc at  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley , CA, USA.

Dr. Fabian Scholten
former PhD student and PostDoc until March 2023. Now Research Engineer at  ASML (Advanced Semiconductor Materials Lithography) in Berlin.

Dr. Earl M. Davis
former PostDoc until December 2022. Now Service Engineer at SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH in Berlin.

Dr. Jared P. Bruce
former PostDoc until August 2022. Now Assistant Professor of Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas (UNLV), NV, USA. Learn more at his group page.

Dr. Hyo Sang Jeon
former PostDoc until July 2022. Now research staff at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), South Korea.

Martin Perez Estebanez
former guest scientists until June 2022. Former and current research at Department of Chemistry of University of Burgos, Spain.

Dr. Weiming Wan
former PostDoc until June 2022. Upcoming professor at Lanzhou University in China.

Dr. Dorottya Hursan
former PostDoc until June 2022. Now PostDoc at SZTE Greennoation Center in Szeged, Hungary.

Dr. Sebastian Kunze
former PhD student and PostDoc until May 2022. Now PostDoc in the Department of Chemistry at Seoul National University, South Korea.

Dr. Georg Simon
former PostDoc until March 2022. Now at Scienta Omicron GmbH.

Dr. Si Woo Lee
former PostDoc until Feb 2022. Now, Assistant Professor at Korea National University of Education in Cheongju, South Korea.

Dr. Yun Liu
former PostDoc until Jan. 2022. Now, Associate Professor at Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in Xiamen, China.

Dr. Jeffrey Poon
former PostDoc. Since 2021 Scientific Managing Editor at Elsevier.

Dr. Zhen Yao
former PostDoc. Since Oct. 2021 postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Physics of Bielfeld University.

Dr. Federico Franco
former PostDoc until April 2021. Now, Assistant professor in Trieste.

Dr. Rosa Aran Ais
former PostDoc. Since 2020 senior researcher at Institute of Electrochemistry at University of Alicante. In addition, Rosa Aran Ais has been head of a Max Planck Partner Group linked to the ISC Department of FHI since January 2021.

Dr. Ruben Rizo
former PostDoc. Since 2020 research associate at Institute of Electrochemistry at University of Alicante.

Dr. Felix Feiten
former PostDoc. Since 2020 project leader at Berliner Glas KGaA Herbert Kubatz GmbH & Co.

Dr. Osman Karslioglu
former PostDoc until July 2020. Now Service Engineer at SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH in Berlin.

Dr. Dunfeng Gao
former PostDoc until August 2019. Since 2019 Associate Professor of Chemistry at State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), CAS.

Dr. Miguel Bernal Lopez
former PhD student. Since 2019 postdoctoral researcher at Faculty of Sciences at Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, working on Chemistry of Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanomaterials.

Dr. Yong-Wook Choi
former PhD student. Since 2019 postdoctoral researcher at Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH), South Korea.

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