Publications 2019 of the
Emiritus Group Prof. Freund

2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Bagus, P.S., C.J. Nelin, S.V. Levchenko, X. Zhao, E. Davis, H. Kuhlenbeck and H.-J. Freund: Surface core level BE shifts for CaO(100): insights into physical origins. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (45), 25431–25438 (2019).
Journal Article
Bagus, P.S., C.J. Nelin, X. Zhao, S.V. Levchenko, E. Davis, X. Weng, F. Späth, C. Papp, H. Kuhlenbeck and H.-J. Freund: Revisiting surface core-level shifts for ionic compounds. Physical Review B 100 (11), 115419 (2019).
Journal Article
Calaza, F.C., M.A. Baltanás, M. Sterrer and H.-J. Freund: Adsorption and Decomposition of Glycerol on Pristine and Oxygen Modified Au(111) Surfaces. Topics in Catalysis 62 (12-16), 1053–1066 (2019).
Journal Article
Davis, E., G. Berti, H. Kuhlenbeck, V. Vonk, A. Stierle and H.-J. Freund: Growth of well-ordered iron sulfide thin films. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (36), 20204–20210 (2019).
Journal Article
Lewandowski, A., F. Stavale, S. Tosoni, W.-D. Schneider, M. Heyde, G. Pacchioni and H.-J. Freund: Assessing the film-substrate interaction in germania films on reconstructed Au(111). Physical Review B 100 (24), 241403(R) (2019).
Journal Article
Li, Z., K. Werner, K. Qian, R. You, A. Plucienik, A. Jia, L. Wu, L. Zhang, H. Pan, H. Kuhlenbeck, S.K. Shaikhutdinov, W. Huang and H.-J. Freund: Oxidation of Reduced Ceria by Incorporation of Hydrogen. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58 (41), 14686–14693 (2019).

Thesis - PhD (4)

Thesis - PhD
Fuhrich, A.: Ultra-thin Germania and Germania-Silica films: Growth, structure and reactivity. Freie Universität Berlin
Thesis - PhD
Lewandowski, A.: The Atomic Structure of Ultrathin Germania Films. Humboldt Universität Berlin
Thesis - PhD
Plucienik, A.: The interaction of hydrogen with CeO2 (111)/Ru (0001) and surface action spectroscopy: setup and first experiments. Technische Universität Berlin
Thesis - PhD
Zaki, E.: Surface-Sensitive Adsorption of Water and Carbon Dioxide on Magnetite: Fe3O4(111) versus Fe3O4(001). Technische Universität Berlin
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