Gerhard Ertl Lecture & Award

Gerhard Ertl Lecture & Award

The Ertl Lecture Award was established in 2008 by the three Berlin universities (Humboldt University, Technical University and Free University) and the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society and is awarded once a year. It commemorates former FHI Director Gerhard Ertl's Nobel Prize in Chemistry, which he received in 2007. The prize honours outstanding personalities and researchers in the field of catalysis where Ertl carried out exceptional research for many decades. The prize, sponsored by BASF, includes a one-week research stay at the participating Berlin institutions and a keynote lecture. The winner is typically announced in Spring, the lecture takes place around the December 10th, the anniversary of Ertl's Nobel Prize reception.

Room: 2.06 Host: Tommaso Pincelli

Ultrafast Dynamics in a Photo-induced Symmetry-breaking Transition

The study of the suppression of an order parameter by an external perturbation and the following recovery of the broken-symmetry phase is a problem relevant to systems even beyond condensed matter physics. In the context of pump-probe experiments, it has been tackled considering the suppression of the charge density wave order parameter in several compounds, and it was found a relevant role played by the fluctuations [1,2]. [more]
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