FHI Directors among the most cited of the world
Two directors of the Fritz Haber Institute are among the 0.1 % most cited scientists worldwide, top 1% by citations for field and year in the Web of Science in 2021.
Yesterday, Clarivate Analytics presented its list of „Global Highly Cited Researchers“ for 2021. Prof Beatriz Roldán Cuenya was selected in the category of cross-fields since she has physics, chemistry and materials science papers, „This is a great honor that shows the good visibility of the work of my department“, says the director of the FHI department of Interface Science. Prof Robert Schloegl, head of the department of Inorganic Chemistry, is also in this prestigious list in the Chemistry category.
Each year, Clarivate™ identifies the world’s most influential researchers ─ the select few who have been most frequently cited by their peers over the last decade. In 2021, fewer than 6,700, or about 0.1%, of the world's researchers, in 21 research fields and across multiple fields, have earned this exclusive distinction.
„You are among this elite group recognized for your exceptional research influence, demonstrated by the production of multiple highly-cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in the Web of Science™“, Clarivate declared on 16 November.
As the Max Planck Society yesterday published, 70 scientists from the Max Planck Society are on the 2021 list of Global Highly Cited Researchers, compiled annually by Clarivate Analytics. The Max Planck Society and its institutes occupy 5th place in the global ranking.
The methodology used to determine the "Who's Who" of influential researchers is based on data and analysis conducted by bibliometrics experts and data scientists from the Institute for Scientific Information™ at Clarivate. The annual list features some 6,600 researchers from around the world who have made a significant impact on their fields by publishing multiple highly cited papers over the past decade. The names of the Highly Cited Researchers are drawn from publications that rank in the top one per cent of citations by field and publication year in the Web of Science™ Citation Index. The list includes the research institutions and countries in which they are based.
The United States still leads the country ranking with 2,622 of the highly cited researchers, which corresponds to a share of 39.7 percent, even though the number of highly cited researchers in the USA has declined. Mainland China is in second place this year with 935 highly cited researchers and, at 14.2 per cent, has almost doubled its share within four years. Germany is in fifth place, behind Australia. Of the 331 "Highly Cited Researchers" in Germany, 70, or one in five, come from the Max Planck Society. In the Institutional Ranking, the MPG occupies 5th place and is thus the only German institution in the top 10; only Oxford University is still represented from Europe.