Electron microcopy group
- Probe and image Cs corrector
- cold field emission gun
- acceleration voltages: 80, 200 kV
- point resolution: 1.1 Å TEM
- point resolution: 0.8 Å STEM
- Energy Dispersive X-ray detector
- Gatan Imaging Filter (Quantum)
- Gatan UltraScan 4000 Camera
FEI Talos F200X
- XFEG field emission gun
- acceleration voltage: 200 kV
- Information limit TEM: 1.2 Å
- point resolution STEM: 1.6 Å
- FEI Ceta 16M CMOS camera
- BF, 2 DF, HAADF detectors
- SuperX 4 SDD EDX detectors, 0.9 sr
- EDX energy resolution: 130 eV
- TEM & STEM tomography
FEI TITAN 80-300
- Cs corrector
- Field Emission Gun
- acceleration voltages 80, 200, 300 kV
- point resolution: 0.8 Å TEM
- point resolution: 1.34 Å STEM
- Energy Dispersive X-ray detector
- Gatan Imaging Filter (Tridiem)
Hitachi S4800
- cold Field Emission Gun
- acceleration voltages from 0.1 kV to 30 kV
- max. resolution: 1.4 nm at 1 kV; 1.0 nm at 15 kV
- Secondary Electron detector (upper/lower)
- Back Scattered Electron detector (YAG)
- Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy detector
- Energy Dispersive X-ray detector (Genesis 4000)
FEI FIB/SEM DualBeam Helios NanoLab G3 UC
- Schottky thermal field emitter
- UC technology (monochromator) at low energies
- Acceleration voltage: 0.35 - 30 kV
- E-beam current: 0.8 pA up to 100 nA
- 5x SE and BSE detectors
- Retractable STEM detector
- High performance ion conversion and electron (ICE) detector for secondary ions (SI) and electrons (SE)
- Max. electron beam resolution @ optimum WD and 15 kV: 0.6 nm
- QuickLok ambient temperature airlock for vacuum transfer
- Gallium ion source
- Acceleration voltage: 0.5 - 30 kV
- Ion beam current: 0.1 pA up to 65 nA
- Ion beam resolution @ coincident point and 30 kV: 4.0 nm
- GIS (Gas Injection System): C and Pt deposition
- EasyLift™ In situ lift-out micromanipulator
FEI Quanta 200 FEG
- hot Field Emission Gun
- acceleration voltages from 0.5 kV to 30 kV
- max. resolution: 1.4 nm
- Secondary Electron detector
- Back Scattered Electron detector (SSD)
- Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy detector
- Energy Dispersive X-ray detector (Genesis 4000)
- Cathodo Luminescence detector
- in-situ SEM in gas atmoresphere
- two heating stages (up to 1000°C and 1500°C)
- mass flow controller (N2, O2, H2, CO, C2H4, H2O,
NH3 …) - three imaging modes - high vacuum, low vacuum (0.1~2 mbar) and ESEM (up to 30 mbar)
- gaseous SE and BSE detectors
XRF X-ray Florescence Spectrometer Pioneer S4 (Bruker)
- Elemental quantification with/without Standards
- 4 kW equipment performance
- Rh – Target
- Ion beam etching device
- PIPS 691 (2x)
- RES 101
- Fischione 1010
- Grinding devices
- Diamant saw (2x)
- Dimple grinder (2x)
- Ultra microtome PowerTome X
- Zeiss optical microscope AxioTech
- Melting device (Vulcan 2)
- Sputter/Coater (Cressington)
- Edwards Auto 306 coating device
- Fischione plasm cleaner
- Binder plasm cleaner
- Cross section
- Plan view
- Slope cutting
- Ion beam etching
- Sample melting (XRF)
STOE STADI P transmission diffractometer
- Cu anode
- Primary Ge(111) monochromator
- Dectris MYTHEN 1K position sensitve microstrip solid-state detector
- Auto sampler
Bruker D8 Advance II Bragg-Brentano Theta/Theta diffractometer
- Cu anode
- Ni filter
- LynxEye position sensitve microstrip solid-state detector
Bruker D8 Advance Davinci Theta/Theta diffractometer
- Parallel beam geometry
- Cu anode
- Ni filter
- LynxEye position sensitve microstrip solid-state detector
- Compact Eulerian cradle or motorized xyz sample stage
STOE Bragg-Brentano Theta/Theta diffractometer (in-situ setup)
- Cu anode
- Secondary graphite monochromator & scintillation detector
- Alternatively: Ni filter & Dectris MYTHEN 1K position sensitve microstrip solid-state detector
- Anton Paar XRK900 high-temperature diffraction chamber
- Gas supply system with Bronkhorst mass flow controllers
- Online gas analysis with Pfeiffer OmniStar quadrupole mass spectrometer