Temperature Programmed Desorption
Catalysis on metals group
The self-constructed TPD (Temperature Programmed Desorption) setup allows the temperature induced desorption of different kinds of probe molecules like H2, CO, CO2 into a stream of inert gas. The desorption event itself is analyzed by mass spectrometry (QMS). Samples are possibly treated in a temperature window between –196 °C to +500 °C and at pressures up to 30 bar. Heating rates between 1 and 15 °C/min are generally applied, also for kinetic investigations.
Temperature range -196 -+500 °C
Heating rate 1-10 °C/min
Pressure Up to 30 bar
Sample sieve fraction 100-200 μm / 50 -200 mg
Available Gases H2, CO, CO2
Methods TPD
Detection QMS
Inert Transfer possible