Open Positions

We currently have an opening for a PhD student within the european training network LUMIERE.

See here: PhD position (m/f/d) Time- and energy-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of aqueous solutions for the job description,

and here: for the LUMIERE network.

In the Department of Molecular Physics at the Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck Gesellschaft in Berlin, Germany, there are several openings for

highly motivated and well-trained PhD students
in the broader field of experimental Molecular Physics.

The research in the Department of Molecular Physics focuses on the structure and the intra- and intermolecular dynamics of molecular systems, from diatomic molecules to biological macromolecules, either in isolation or in interaction with their environment. For this, new experimental methods to manipulate and control, to characterize and to spectroscopically investigate these molecular systems are developed and exploited.

Students with a University degree in Physics or Physical Chemistry and with a strong affinity for fundamental research and method development can apply by sending a Motivation Letter,
a brief Curriculum Vitae and the names and contact details of two references to
Bernd Winter or Prof. Gerard Meijer

Also summer, bachelor, and master-students are welcome. If you are looking for an internship, don't hesitate to contact us.

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