Fritz Haber Institute Celebrates Commitment to Science Communication
The Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society emphasizes the essential role of science communication and societal dialogue. This is recently highlighted by the involvement of Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya, the Managing Director of the Institute and Director of the Interface Science Department, in the jury of the Eduard Rhein Foundation.
Since its establishment in 1976, the Eduard Rhein Foundation has been promoting scientific research as well as education, upbringing, art, and culture on an international level.
This year, outstanding individuals and projects were honored, including Prof. Gilles Brassard and Charles H. Bennett with the Technology Prize for their pioneering work in quantum cryptography, Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius with the Culture Prize for her exceptional achievements in science communication, and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Walter, a German astronaut, who received the Ring of Honor for his commitment to disseminating scientific knowledge. Young talents like Jakob Zöphel and Matthias Fuchs were also recognized for their innovative contributions in the fields of computer science and technology.
The participation of Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya in the jury underscores the Fritz Haber Institute's commitment to science communication and outreach. „The connection between science and society through dialogue and exchange is essential. Scientists must make renewed efforts to transfer their knowledge and scientific excitement to a broader audience, including non-experts." emphasizes Prof. Dr. Roldán Cuenya. „The Eduard Rhein Foundation demonstrates a central role in recognizing outstanding scientific and cultural achievements."
Furthermore, the Institute proudly recalls the honor awarded to Prof. Dr. Robert Schlögl, the former Director of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and current President of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, who received the Eduard Rhein Foundation's Culture Prize in 2019. Prof. Dr. Schlögl was recognized for his excellent performance as an outstanding scientist who communicates research findings to a broad audience and into the political sphere, thereby underlining the importance of science communication.
The Fritz Haber Institute congratulates all awardees and reaffirms its commitment to promoting science communication beyond collaboration with foundations and organizations. It highlights the role of science in society and the necessity of making research findings accessible to a wide audience.