Double-K-hole resonances in single photoionization of He-like B3+ ions
Physical Review A 110, 062802 (2024)
From Gas to Solution: The Changing Neutral Structure of Proline Upon Solvation
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 128, 10202 (2024)
(Front Cover)
(Front Cover)
X-ray-Induced Molecular Catapult: Ultrafast Dynamics Driven by Lightweight Linkages
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 15, 11883 (2024)
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(Front Cover)
Controlled molecule injector for cold, dense, and pure molecular beams at the European x-ray free-electron laser
Review of Scientific Instruments 95, 113001 (2024)
Surface accumulation and acid-base equilibrium of phenol at the liquid-vapor interface
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26, 27292 (2024)
Role of the Coulomb Potential in Compton Scattering
Physical Review Letters 133, 183002 (2024)
Direct observation of the complex S(IV) equilibria at the liquid-vapor interface
Nature Communications 15, 8987 (2024)
Attosecond formation of charge-transfer-to-solvent states of aqueous ions probed using the core-hole-clock technique
Nature Communications 15, 8903 (2024)
Time-resolved photoelectron diffraction imaging of methanol photodissociation involving molecular hydrogen ejection
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26, 25118 (2024)
Enantioselective One-Photon Excitation of Formic Acid
Physical Review Letters 133, 093002 (2024)
(Editors’ Suggestion)
(Editors’ Suggestion)
The solvation shell probed by resonant intermolecular Coulombic decay
Nature Communications 15, 6926 (2024)
Liquid-jet photoemission spectroscopy as a structural tool: site-specific acid-base chemistry of vitamin C
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26, 19673 (2024)
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Ultrafast nuclear dynamics in double-core ionized water molecules
Physical Review A 110, 013108 (2024)
Nondipolar photoelectron angular distributions from fixed-in-space N2 molecules
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 57, 145101 (2024)
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How Does Mg2+(aq) Interact with ATP(aq)? Biomolecular Structure through the Lens of Liquid-Jet Photoemission Spectroscopy
Journal of the American Chemical Society 146, 16062 (2024)
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Role of the Binding Energy on Nondipole Effects in Single-Photon Ionization
Physical Review Letters 132, 233002 (2024)
X-ray radiation damage cycle of solvated inorganic ions
Nature Communications 15, 4594 (2024)
Isomer-specific photofragmentation of C3H3+ at the carbon K-edge
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26, 15519-15529 (2024)
Crystal Nucleation in Supercooled Atomic Liquids
Physical Review Letters 132, 206102 (2024)
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Experimental Realization of Auger Decay in the Field of a Positive Elementary Charge
Physical Review Letters 132, 203002 (2024
Radiationless decay spectrum of O 1s double core holes in liquid water
Journal of Chemical Physics 160, 194503 (2024)
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Tracing Photoinduced Hydrogen Migration in Alcohol Dications from Time-Resolved Molecular-Frame Photoelectron Angular Distributions
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 128, 1241 (2024)
Observation of a collective two-electron molecular resonance
Physical Review Research 5, 043283 (2023)
Alternative Pathway to Double-Core-Hole States
Physical Review Letters 131, 253201 (2023)
Specific versus Nonspecific Solvent Interactions of a Biomolecule in Water
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14, 10499 (2023)
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Isotope effects in dynamics of water isotopologues induced by core ionization at an x-ray free-electron laser
Structural Dynamics 10, 054302 (2023)
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Radiation damage by extensive local water ionization from two-step electron-transfer-mediated decay of solvated ions
Nat. Chem. 2023, 15, 1408.
Interatomic Coulombic decay in small helium clusters
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25, 25711 (2023)
Mapping the electronic transitions of protonation sites in peptides using soft X-ray action spectroscopy
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25, 25603 (2023)
How to measure work functions from aqueous solutions
Chem. Sci. 2023, 14, 9574.
Soft X-Ray-induced Dimerization of Methane
Astrophysical Journal 952, 39 (2023)
Photoelectron spectroscopy from a liquid flatjet
J. Chem. Phys. 2023, 158, 234202.
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Vibrationally Resolved Inner-Shell Photoexcitation of the Molecular Anion C2-
ChemPhysChem 24, e202300061 (2023)
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High-energy molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions: a molecular bond-length ruler
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25, 13784 (2023)
Ångstrom-Depth Resolution with Chemical Specificity at the Liquid-Vapor Interface
Phys. Rev. Lett. 2023, 130, 156901.
An integrated ion trap for the photon-ion spectrometer at PETRA III
Review of Scientific Instruments 94, 023201 (2023)
Core-Level Photoelectron Angular Distributions at the Liquid-Vapor Interface
Acc. Chem. Res. 2023, 56, 215.
Mechanisms of one-photon two-site double ionization after resonant inner-valence excitation in Ne clusters
Physical Review Research 2023, 5, 013055.
Molecular-frame differential photoelectron circular dichroism of O 1s-photoelectrons of trifluoromethyloxirane
Physical Review Research 5, 013021 (2023)
132 peer-reviewed publications (2 in Nature, 1 in Science, 1 in Nature Materials, 1 in Nature Chemistry, 3 in Nature Physics, 1 in Accounts of Chemical Research, 8 in Nature Communications, 1 in Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2 in Physical Review X, 2 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 32 in Physical Review Letters, and 3 in Chemical Science)