
FHI Workshop 2024

FHI Workshop 2024

Florian attended the FHI Workshop 2024 in Potsdam and gave a talk on “Dynamics of photoionization-induced processes in laser-prepared gas- and aqueous-phase samples”. The FHI directors and group leaders discussed the most recent projects.
EASI beamtimes at beamline P04

EASI beamtimes at beamline P04

EASI beamtimes at beamline P04 (PETRA III, DESY) with our group and the groups of Hendrik Bluhm (FHI), Arno Ehresmann (Uni Kassel), and Olle Björneholm (Uni Uppsala).
Beamtimes at DESY and SOLEIL

Beamtimes at DESY and SOLEIL

Florian participated in beamtimes at beamline P04 (PETRA III, DESY) on “Imaging the dynamics of core-ionized water in real time” and at beamline GALAXIES (SOLEIL) on “The Fenton reaction at the liquid-liquid interface probed by X-ray emission spectroscopy”, and visited Marc Simon’s group at Sorbonne Université together with Henrik Haak.
Focus on molecular water science - CMWS Water DAYS 2024
Florian (partly) attended the CMWS Water Days 2024 at DESY in Hamburg and met many water enthusiasts. More than 80 participants discussed the key challenges in molecular water research and the status and future of the Centre for Molecular Water Science. more
DESY Photon Science Highlights and Annual Report 2023
The “Photon Science 2023 - Highlights and Annual Report” presents the activities and the perspective of research with photons at DESY. Eva Muchová, Florian, and Olle Björneholm contributed a Science Highlight on ‘Hot spots’ of radiation damage formed around aqueuos metal ions - How X-rays cause excessive ionisation of water around metal ions. more
DESY Photon Science Users' meeting 2024 - under a dome
Florian and Bernd Winter attended the DESY Photon Science Users’ meeting 2024. Bernd gave a nice talk on “Investigating biomolecular structure in the aqueous phase using photoemission spectroscopy” and Florian presented two posters on “Photoelectron Circular Dichroism from Aqueous-Phase Chiral Molecules” and “Liquid-Jet Photoelectron Spectroscopy from Sugar and Adenosine Triphosphate Aqueous Solution”. more
Inspiring visit at TU Wien

Inspiring visit at TU Wien

On January 16th, 2024 Florian visited Richard Wilhelm’s group at TU Wien to discuss interesting physics, joint interests, and to give a talk about the work using COLTRIMS and the European XFEL. It was a real pleasure and we are looking forward to some groundbreaking experimental work together, stay tuned!
New Emmy Noether Group for Dr. Florian Trinter
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has selected Dr. Florian Trinter for the prestigious Emmy Noether Programme. Commencing in January 2024, Dr. Trinter will lead the Emmy Noether Group focused on "Dynamics of photoionization-induced processes in laser-prepared gas and aqueous-phase samples" (DYNAMO-PLAS) within the Molecular Physics Department at the Fritz-Haber-Institut. The project has been endowed with a budget of 2.2 million EUR. more
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