Invited Talks 2019 of the
Emiritus Group Prof. Scheffler
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019
Talk (34)
Carbogno, Christian: Electron-Phonon Coupling and Electronic Transport in Solids From First Principles.
(Workshop, Hands-On DFT and Beyond, High-throughput screening and big-data analytics, towards exascale computational materials science, Barcelona, Spain, Sep 2019).
Carbogno, Christian: Recent Advancements in the ELPA Library: Best Practices in Real Applications.
(Conference, Parallel Computing ParCo2019, Prague, Czech Republic, Sep 2019).
Carbogno, Christian: From Polarization Over Electron-Phonon Coupling Towards Electronic Transport.
(Internal NOMAD Group Retreat, Dessau, Germany, Oct 2019).
Carbogno, Christian: Anharmonic Effects in Heat and Charge Transport.
(9th International Workshop on Quantum Energy, University of Science and Technology of China, Xiamen, China, Oct 2019).
Draxl, Claudia: Neutral Excitiations.
(Workshop, Hands-On DFT and Beyond, High-throughput screening and big-data analytics, towards exascale computational materials science, Barcelona, Spain, Sep 2019).
Draxl, Claudia: The NOMAD Project.
(Workshop, Hands-On DFT and Beyond, High-throughput screening and big-data analytics, towards exascale computational materials science, Barcelona, Spain, Sep 2019).
Draxl, Claudia: The NOMAD Encyclopedia – a Tool for Exploring Computed Data.
(BIG DATA SUMMER – A summer school of the BiGmax Network, Platja d’Aro, Spain, Sep 2019).
Draxl, Claudia: Benchmark Calculations Towards Ultimate Precision in Density-Functional Theory.
(BIG DATA SUMMER – A summer school of the BiGmax Network, Platja d’Aro, Spain, Sep 2019).
Draxl, Claudia: Theoretical Spectroscopy at Hybrid Interfaces.
(Joint Colloquium of the CeNS and the Department of Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany, Oct 2019).
Draxl, Claudia: Oxides for Optoelectronics: A Theoretical Perspective.
(Seminar, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, Nov 2019).
Draxl, Claudia: Open and Data-Driven Science – the Need For a FAIR Data Infrastructure.
(5th International Conference on Molecular Simulation (ICMS 2019), Jeju, South Korea, Nov 2019).
Draxl, Claudia: All-Electron Theoretical Spectroscopy.
(Workshop, Diamond Light Source, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, Nov 2019).
Draxl, Claudia: Computational Materials Science: From Phase Diagrams to Optical Excitations and Data-Driven Research.
(Physikerinnentagung 2019, Frauen in der Physik, Berlin, Germany, Nov 2019).
Draxl, Claudia: FAIR Data Management in Materials Science - From Sample Synthesis to Artificial-Intelligence.
(Workshop, Forschungsdatenmanagement und Maschinelles Lernen in den Ingenieurwissenschaften am Beispiel der Materialwissenschaften, Karlsruhe, Germany, Nov 2019).
Draxl, Claudia: Verification and Error Estimates for Ab Initio Data.
(Materials Research Meeting 2019, Yokohama, Japan, Dec 2019).
Ghiringhelli, Luca M.: Artificial Intelligence for Data-Driven Materials Science: Achievements and Perspectives.
(Symposium IRIS 2019, Berlin, Germany, Oct 2019).
Ghiringhelli, Luca M.: Metadata Towards FAIR Data Sharing for Data-Driven Materials Science: Achievements and Open Challenges.
(BIG DATA SUMMER – A summer school of the BiGmax Network, Platja d'Aro, Spain, Sep 2019).
Ghiringhelli, Luca M.: Artificial Intelligence for Data-Driven Materials Science: Achievements and Perspectives.
(Max Planck Graduate Center for Quantum Materials, Stuttgart, Germany, Nov 2019).
Ghiringhelli, Luca M.: Artificial Intelligence for Data-Driven Materials Science: Achievements and Perspectives.
(Seminar, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, Nov 2019).
Ghiringhelli, Luca M.: Beyond Just Fitting Numbers: Artificial Intelligence for Identifying Statistically Exceptional Materials.
(2019 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, MA, USA, Dec 2019).
Knoop, Florian: FHI-Vibes: A Toolkit for Finding and Analyzing Thermal Insulators.
(ASE Workshop, Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden, Nov 2019).
Levchenko, Sergey V.: Predicting Properties of Small Polarons From First Principles.
(Inaugural Symposium for Computational Materials Program of Excellence, Moscow, Russia, Sep 2019).
Levchenko, Sergey V.: Discovering Better Catalysts for Carbon Dioxide Conversion by Data Analytics.
(International Workshop on Materials Genomics (IWMG 2019), Shanghai, China, Oct 2019).
Levchenko, Sergey V.: Discovering Better Catalysts for Carbon Dioxide Conversion by Data Analytics.
(Seminar, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, Oct 2019).
Rossi, Mariana: Structure and Dynamics of Inorganic / Organic Systems.
(20th Meeting of the Fachbeirat of the Fritz-Haber-Institut, Berlin, Germany, Nov 2019).
Rossi, Mariana: Elucidating Quantum Dynamics at Hybrid Interfaces.
(Seminar, The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan, Dec 2019).
Rossi, Mariana: How Theory Can Elucidate Anharmonic Quantum Nuclear Fluctuations and Hydrogen Dynamics at Finite Temperatures.
(The 81st Okazaki Conference, Forefront of Measurement Technologies for Surface Chemistry and Physics in Real-Space, k-Space, and Real-Time, Okazaki, Japan, Dec 2019).
Scheffler, Matthias: Thermal and Electrical Conductivity to All Orders in Electron-Phonon and Phonon-Phonon Coupling.
(24th ETSF Workshop on Electronic Excitations, Light-Matter Interaction and Optical Spectroscopy from Infrared to X-Rays, Jena, Germany, Sep 2019).
Scheffler, Matthias: When the New Science Is in the Outliers.
(Materials Research Meeting 2019, Yokohama, Japan, Dec 2019).
Scheffler, Matthias: Subgroup Discovery and Multi-Task SISSO for Novel Materials Discovery.
(Inaugural Symposium for Computational Materials Program of Excellence, Moscow, Russia, Sep 2019).
Scheffler, Matthias: Welcome and Introduction Materials Science Quo Vadis.
(BIG DATA SUMMER – A summer school of the BiGmax Network, Platja d’Aro, Spain, Sep 2019).
Scheffler, Matthias: Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Materials Science: Building Maps of Materials Properties.
(Workshop, Korea Institute for Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, Korea, Nov 2019).
Scheffler, Matthias: Finding Statistically Exceptional Materials by Artificial Intelligence.
(The 5th International Conference on Molecular Simulation (ICMS), Jeju, Korea, Nov 2019).
Scheffler, Matthias: Fourth Paradigm of Materials Science: Novel Research Routes by Artificial Intelligence.
(Colloquium, Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Villigen, Switzerland, Dec 2019).