Invited Talks 2022 of the
Molecular Physics Department
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019
Talk (33)
Eibenberger Arias, Sandra: Cold, Chiral, Gas-Phase Molecules.
(Quantum Seminar Mainz, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz / Helmholtz-Institut Mainz, Online Event, Jan 2022).
Eibenberger Arias, Sandra: Quantum State Control of Chiral Molecules.
(FHI-Workshop on Current Research at the Interface of Physics and Chemistry, Potsdam, Germany, May 2022).
Eibenberger Arias, Sandra: Rotational State Control of Chiral Molecules.
(21th Meeting of the Fachbeirat of the Fritz-Haber-Institut, Berlin, Germany, Nov 2022).
Eibenberger Arias, Sandra: Rotational State Control of Chiral Molecules.
(Stereodynamics 2022 Conference, Rethymnon, Crete, Greece, Oct 2022).
Eibenberger Arias, Sandra: Quantum State Control of Chiral Molecules.
(General Physics Colloquium at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Faculty of Physics, Duisburg, Germany, Nov 2022).
Friedrich, Bretislav: Electro-Optical Trap for Polar Molecules.
(Harvard & Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA, USA, Feb 2022).
Friedrich, Bretislav: Far Apart and Close Together: Fritz Haber and Chaim Weizmann.
(Lexington Technical and Scientific Group, Online Event, Mar 2022).
Friedrich, Bretislav: An Electro-Optical Trap for Polar Molecules: Properties and Applications.
(Physical Chemistry Seminar, College of Science, Purdue University, Online Event, Apr 2022).
Green, Mallory: Photoelectron Circular Dichroism in the Photodetachment of Mass-Selected Chiral Anions.
(SFB-Seminar, Institute of Physics, Universität Kassel, Kassel, Germany, Oct 2022).
Greis, Kim: Cryogenic Vibrational Spectroscopy - A Tool for Studying Reactive Intermediates.
(Seminar, Department of Chemistry, University of Connecticut, UConn, Storrs, CT, USA, Apr 2022).
Greis, Kim: Cryogenic Vibrational Spectroscopy - A Tool for Studying Reactive Intermediates.
(Seminar, Department of Chemistry, City University of New York, New York, NY, USA, Jun 2022).
Greis, Kim: Cryogenic Vibrational Spectroscopy - A Tool for Studying Reactive Intermediates.
(Seminar, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, USA, Jul 2022).
Greis, Kim: Cryogenic Vibrational Spectroscopy - A Tool for Studying Reactive Intermediates.
(Seminar, Department of Chemistry, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, USA, Aug 2022).
Greis, Kim: Combining Cryogenic Vibrational Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory to Determine Structures and Mechanisms in Chemistry.
(Seminar, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, Nov 2022).
Helden, Gert von: Infrared Spectroscopy of Mass/Charge Selected Molecular Ions in Helium Droplets.
(The 14th International Conference on Quantum Fluid Clusters, Erice, Italy, Apr 2022).
Helden, Gert von: Vibrational Spectroscopy in Helium Droplets.
(Gordon Research Conference, Molecular and Ionic Clusters - Frontiers in Size-Selected Cluster Research: Structure, Reactivity and Dynamics, Barga, Italy, Aug 2022).
Kirschbaum, Carla: Lipid Fingerprinting by Cryogenic Infrared Ion Spectroscopy.
(Seminar, Department of Chemistry (AG Carol Robinson), Universität Oxford, Oxford, UK, Oct 2022).
Kirschbaum, Carla: Cryogenic Infrared Spectroscopy: Coupling Mass Spectrometry and Laser Light for Lipid Fingerprinting.
(Seminarreihe "100 Minutes with ILS", International Lipidomics Society, Online Event, Nov 2022).
Meijer, Gerard: Empfehlungen zur Transformation des wissenschaftlichen Publizierens zu Open Access.
(Frühjahrssitzung der Sektion 4 im Deutschen Bibliotheksverband e. V., Dresden, Germany, May 2022).
Meijer, Gerard: Molecular Physics Studies at the Fritz Haber Institute.
(The Cold and Controlled Molecules & Ions Conference 2022 (CCMI2022), Durham, UK, Sep 2022).
Meijer, Gerard: Manipulation and Control of Molecular Beams.
(Lecture, The Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkley, Berkeley, CA, USA, Oct 2022).
Meijer, Gerard: Molecular Physics Studies at the Fritz Haber Institute.
(2022 Y. T. Lee Lecturer, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA, Oct 2022).
Mirahmadi, Marjan: New Insights on The Ozone Formation.
(14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons, ECAMP14, Vilnius, Lithuania, Jun 2022).
Mirahmadi, Marjan: The Role of Long-Range Pairwise Interactions in Ion-Atom-Atom Three-Body Recombination.
(Workshop on Cold Hybrid Ion-atom Systems, Biological and Chemical Research Centre, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, Jun 2022).
Mirahmadi, Marjan: New Insights on The Ozone Formation.
(Institute Seminar, Institute for Ion Physics and Applied Physics, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, May 2022).
Pagel, Kevin: Probing Chemical Reactions with Gas-Phase Infrared Spectroscopy.
(FHI-Workshop on Current Research at the Interface of Physics and Chemistry, Potsdam, Germany, May 2022).
Schöllkopf, Wieland: A New Two-Color IR/THz FEL and Its Applications.
(FELs of Europe Topical Workshop on Selected Problems in FEL Physics: from soft X-rays to THz, Dresden, Germany, Apr 2022).
Schöllkopf, Wieland: The FHI FEL Upgrade: A Two-Color IR FEL.
(Meeting, Max Planck Radboud University Center , Nijmegen, The Netherlands, May 2022).
Trinter, Florian: Ultrafast Temporal Evolution of Interatomic Coulombic Decay in NeKr Dimers.
(739. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Molecular Physics and Physical Chemistry with Advanced Photon Sources, Bad Honnef, Germany, Jan 2022).
Trinter, Florian: Ultrafast Temporal Evolution of Interatomic Coulombic Decay in NeKr Dimers.
(International Conference on Many Particle Spectroscopy of Atoms, Molecules, Clusters and Surfaces, Turku, Finland, Jun 2022).