Publications of Yannic Behovits

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Behovits, Y.; Chekhov, A.; Bodnar, S. Y.; Gückstock, O.; Reimers, S.; Lytvynenko, Y.; Skourski, Y.; Wolf, M.; Seifert, T.; Gomonay, O. et al.; Kläui, M.; Jourdan, M.; Kampfrath, T.: Terahertz Néel spin-orbit torques drive nonlinear magnon dynamics in antiferromagnetic Mn2Au. Nature Communications 14, 6038 (2023)
Journal Article
Rouzegar, R.; Chekhov, A. L.; Behovits, Y.; Rosinus Serrano, B.; Syskaki, M.A.; Lambert, C.H.; Engel, D.; Martens, U.; Münzenberg, M.; Wolf, M. et al.; Jakob, G.; Kläui, M.; Seifert, T.; Kampfrath, T.: Broadband Spintronic Terahertz Source with Peak Electric Fields Exceeding 1.5 MV/cm. Physical Review Applied 19 (3), 034018 (2023)
Journal Article
Bierhance, G.; Markou, A.; Gückstock, O.; Rouzegar, S. M.; Behovits, Y.; Chekhov, A.; Wolf, M.; Seifert, T.; Felser, C.; Kampfrath, T.: Spin-voltage-driven efficient terahertz spin currents from the magnetic Weyl semimetals Co2MnGa and Co2MnAl. Applied Physics Letters 120 (8), 082401 (2022)
Journal Article
Chekhov, A.; Behovits, Y.; Heitz, J.; Denker, C.; Reiss, D.A.; Wolf, M.; Weinelt, M.; Brouwer, P.W.; Münzenberg, M.; Kampfrath, T.: Ultrafast Demagnetization of Iron Induced by Optical versus Terahertz Pulses. Physical Review X 11 (4), 041055 (2021)
Journal Article
Heitz, J.; Nadvornik, L.; Balos, V.; Behovits, Y.; Chekhov, A.; Seifert, T.; Olejník, K.; Kašpar, Z.; Geishendorf, K.; Novák, V. et al.; Campion, R. P.; Wolf, M.; Jungwirth, T.; Kampfrath, T.: Optically Gated Terahertz-Field-Driven Switching of Antiferromagnetic CuMnAs. Physical Review Applied 16 (06), 064047 (2021)
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