Specifications of the FHI FEL

The following posters describing details and specifications of the FHI FEL have been presented at conferences:

  1. 2013: Control System Overview, presented at the 14th International ICALEPCS Conference
  2. 2013: System Overview, presented at the 35th International Free-Electron Laser Conference
  3. 2013: Control System Integration, presented at the 35th International Free-Electron Laser Conference
  4. 2011: Poster, presented at the 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference

The electron beamline:

Parameter Unit Target
Electron energy MeV 15-50
Energy spread keV <50
Charge per pulse pC >200
Micropulse length psec 1-10
Micropulse repetition rate GHz 1
Macropulse length µs 1-15
Macropulse repetition rate Hz 20

The undulator:

The ondulator is a permanent magnet, wedged pole undulator with a variable gap from STI Optronics.

The emitted light:

Macro-pulse energies for narrow bandwidth conditions (< 1% relative full width at half maximum) at various electron energies

The data plotted as a function of the wavelength (linear scale):

The data plotted as a function of the wavelength (logarithmic scale):

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