Publications of Christian Carbogno

Talk (83)

Carbogno, C.: Electronic Transport in Solids From First Principles. Hands-On DFT and Beyond: High-throughput screening and big-data analytics, towards exascale computational materials science, Barcelona, Spain (2019)
Carbogno, C.: From Harmonic Vibrations to Strongly Anharmonic Heat Transport: Ab Initio Nuclear Dynamics in Solids. Hands-On DFT and Beyond: High-throughput screening and big-data analytics, towards exascale computational materials science, Barcelona, Spain (2019)
Carbogno, C.: Quantum Materials: Obtaining Insights by Combining High-Throughput First-Principles and Machine-Learning Approaches. IMPRS Workshop: Frontiers of Quantum Materials, Stuttgart, Germany (2019)
Carbogno, C.: Accurate Thermal Conductivities of Complex, Strongly-Anharmonic Solids From First Principles. 2019 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Phoenix, AZ, USA (2019)
Carbogno, C.: Quantum Materials: Obtaining Insights by Combining High-Throughput First-Principles and Machine-Learning Approaches. Quantum Materials Workshop, Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge, TN, USA (2019)
Carbogno, C.: Solving the Veracity Challenge in Electronic-Structure Theory Data. Final M36 Nomad Review Meeting, European Commission, Luxembourg, Luxembourg (2018)
Carbogno, C.: High-Throughput Calculations, Error Estimates in Density Functional Theory. NOMAD Summer - A hands-on course on tools for novel-materials discovery, CECAM, Lausanne, Switzerland (2018)
Carbogno, C.: Recent Advancements in the ELPA Library: Best Practices in Real Applications. MolSSI Workshop / ELSI Conference: Solving or Circumventing Eigenvalue Problems in Electronic Structure Theory, Richmond, VA, USA (2018)
Carbogno, C.: Numerical Quality Control for DFT-Based Materials Databases. JMC 2018, Journées de la Matière Condensée 2018, Grenoble, France (2018)
Carbogno, C.: Electron-Phonon Coupling and Heat Transport. Hands-On DFT and Beyond: Frontiers of Advanced Electronic Structure and Molecular Dynamics Methods, Beijing, China (2018)
Carbogno, C.: Ab Initio Materials Simulations: A Challenge for Eigensolvers. PMAA18, 10th International Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications, Zurich, Switzerland (2018)
Carbogno, C.: All-Electron, Real-Space Perturbation Theory: Theory, Implementation, and Application within DFT. ETSF Workshop, Electron-phonon interaction and its effects in condensed matter and reduced dimensionality systems, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (2018)
Carbogno, C.: Strongly Anharmonic Nuclear Dynamics in Solids: Accurate Computations and Rapid Estimates. CECAM Workshop, Anharmonicity and thermal properties of solids, Paris, France (2018)
Carbogno, C.: First-Principles High-Throughput Design and Discovery of Novel Materials, and Its Application to Thermoelectrics. 6th Science Day of the Max Planck-EPFL Center for Molecular Nanoscience & Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland (2017)
Carbogno, C.: Phonons, Electron-Phonon Coupling, and Transport in Solids. Hands-on Workshop Density-Functional Theory and Beyond: Accuracy, Efficiency and Reproducibility in Computational Materials Science, Berlin, Germany (2017)
Carbogno, C.: Phonons and Electron-Phonon Coupling: Limits in Theoretical Approaches and How to Overcome Them. International Workshop, Thermoelectric Materials: From Theoretical Design to Industrial Application, Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland (2017)
Carbogno, C.: Phonons and Electron-Phonon Coupling: Limits in Theoretical Approaches and How to Overcome Them. FHI-Workshop on Current Research Topics at the FHI, Potsdam, Germany (2017)
Carbogno, C.: Novel Theoretical Approaches to Electron-Phonon and Phonon-Phonon Coupling. Group Seminar, Institute of Solid State Physics, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria (2017)
Carbogno, C.: NOMAD: Novel Material Discovery. 3. Sitzung des wissenschaftlichen Beirats zum Themenfeld „Material“ der BAM, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, Berlin, Germany (2017)
Carbogno, C.: NOMAD: Novel Material Discovery. MPCDF Workshop, High-performance computing and data-intensive applications in the Max-Planck Society, Kreuth, Germany (2016)
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