DFTB+, the Fast Way of Quantum Mechanical Simulations
- TH Department Online Seminar
- Date: Sep 22, 2022
- Time: 02:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Dr. Bálint Aradi
- BCCMS, CMS Research Group, Universität Bremen, Germany
- Location: https://zoom.us/j/98402217373?pwd=ZnNLSi96UmxiVVlqK2pRaUV3anFPQT09
- Room: Meeting ID: 984 0221 7373 | Passcode: 605622
- Host: TH Department
Being derived with well defined approximations from ab initio DFT, it also provides a consistent way for porting DFT extensions into this approximative framework. Several of such extensions (e.g. hybrid functionals, time-dependent DFT in energy and time domain, Greens-function based electron transport, etc.) had been already successfully ported, and implemented among others in the DFTB+ code [2]. The code also implements the newly developed xTB method, which can be a flexible alternative to DFTB in certain use cases. In my presentation, I will sketch the basic ideas behind the DFTB and xTB formalisms, give an overview over some recently developed capabilities in the DFTB+ code and report about recent efforts to combine DFTB/xTB with machine learning approaches for materials simulations.
[1] M. Elstner, and G. Seifert, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 372, 20120483 (2014).
[2] B. Hourahine, B. Aradi et al., The Journal of Chemical Physics 152, 124101 (2020) .