Launch of a new local data archive for catalysis research - A brief introduction

  • Date: Nov 25, 2021
  • Time: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Mike Wesemann and Dr. Annette Trunschke
  • Fritz-Haber-Institute
  • Location: IRIS Adlershof, Zum Großen Windkanal 2, 12489 Berlin
  • Room: Seminarraum 3.176 Haus 3 / 1. Etage
  • Host: Dr. Annette Trunschke
  • Contact:
Launch of a new local data archive for catalysis research - A brief introduction
Recently, the more than 20-year-old data archive of the AC department was replaced by a new version. In the seminar, this new release will be briefly presented and users will have the opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions. This local data infrastructure will also be used by cooperation partners in the ISC department, at the BasCat laboratory of the TU Berlin and at HZB. Colleagues who do not use this archive are welcome to take a look at this type of data archiving, which is especially tailored to research data generated in the study of functional materials.

The seminar will be held in a hybrid format. Participants onsite need to be either fully recovered or fully vaccinated (2G). Participants who want to join online, please use the following zoom link: Meeting-ID: 917 4548 6288; Kenncode: 968656

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